What Boombox Are You Cranking Up Right Now??


Member (SA)
Today I am blasting my newly aquired Prosonic 9962. It's all about old school today...Kraftwerk (Numbers), Royal Cash Crew (Radioactivity), and Afrika Bambaataa (Looking for the Perfect Beat, Pack Jam)...the perfect boombox music!!...and I threw in a little Dougie Fresh (The Show) for good measure...


Member (SA)
well, lots and lots of hits here,

and odd ones,

shannon - stronger together,

body mechanic by mc ade,

and rockin some shavonne - tell me

damn thats hot !!!


Member (SA)


No Longer Active
Now, chilled out Japanese music for a Japanese made/Japanese raised box, the Victor RC-M90...

^ Picture taken weeks ago... I'm actually indoors. :-D




Staff member
Nice selection you have there Mono!

I'm listening to the Philips D-8634 Mark II. A far underrated box! Jean Carne "Don't Let It Go To Your Head".



Member (SA)
....M71 and Prosonic 9962 playing together via transmitter...all about the funk today...Barkays, George Clinton, and Rick James....the 2 boxes playing together get VERY loud in the garage, just ask my neighbors... :yes:


Staff member
Hey Mellymel!...Still on my Philips D-8634 MKII...since you're doin' funk how about some Instant Funk "I Got My Mind Made Up"! :thumbsup:

(You gotta love the bass line!)



Member (SA)
Sharp 9191 (still needing some swicth cleaner in the vol slider) but sounding great.

Melisa Morgan - Fools Paradise. :thumbsup:


No Longer Active
Nice selection you have there Mono!

I'm listening to the Philips D-8634 Mark II. A far underrated box! Jean Carne "Don't Let It Go To Your Head".

Thanks, oldskool! :cool:

Thanks also for that song you posted! :thumbsup: I haven't heard that joint in a LOOOONNG time - early 90's perhaps! :yes:

Jean Carne had some smooth tunes! :cool: Here's a favorite of mine:
That's also a song I haven't heard since the early 90's or maybe when it was out on the radio. :-/ :hmmm:

EDIT: Ah, I remember now... The last time I heard it was on tape in the early 90's... :yes: I taped it off the radio. :cool:


No Longer Active
All that talk with MasterBlaster and JVC Floyd made me give some love to my Lasonic TRC-920, which hasn't been played in months.





The New Wave 80's were SOOOOOO cool!!! :cool:

Old school Scott

Member (SA)
Mono, thats the best picture I've ever seen of a 920
I'm looking at my minty fresh 920 right now and IT doesn't even hold up to your picture.
Nice camera work, for real.

Cheers OSS :afro:


No Longer Active
Thanks, Scott! :cool:

My 920 isn't all that mint... I'd say it's in great condition tho. :yes: It needs a few things to bring it up a notch, like a tape indicator LED, an original tape door screw and some orange Lasonic tweeters (I blew both of mine out over a year ago and replaced 'em with some 3/4" MB Quart tweeters I had laying around). But it's all good 'cause I don't listen to it or look at that often...

If your 920 has all of those things that mine doesn't, then you already have the edge! ;-) :thumbsup: :cool: