What Boombox Are You Cranking Up Right Now??


Staff member
Damn Mono! If you and I ever hooked up with a couple of concrete shakers/asphalt breakers we could have a serious "oldskool" festival! :thumbsup:


No Longer Active
Damn Mono! If you and I ever hooked up with a couple of concrete shakers/asphalt breakers we could have a serious "oldskool" festival! :thumbsup:

What can I say?... I LOVE MUSIC!!! :w00t:

It keeps me sane! :-D

hey mono -
you are overloading my puter !!! :'-(

ALL your photos are 'save-as' :yes: :yes: :-D

:agree: :agree: They a P-fresh!!!!
Not bad for a 4-year old 5.1 megapixel camera and horrible lighting! :-D

If it weren't for iPhoto, all of my pictures would be garbage! :lol:


Member (SA)
MONO you are kidding right!?!?!?!?! 5 megapixel!!!!! You make me look so bad! You have mad techniques is all I can say for how your photos turn out!!!


No Longer Active
Thanks, Johnny! :blush: There's MUCH MUCH MUCH more room for improvement tho! :yes: ;-)


"Right now", same box...
The sounds of Philadelphia on a Sunday night. :afro:

Wow, I didn't watch this before I posted it... The dude who made that video montage must've been smokin' some top shelf shi!t... :weed:

George Costanza and George Clinton - TOGETHER?!? :blink:

I'd advise everybody to listen to the music, but AVOID watching that video! ;-) :lol:


Staff member
Sharp WF-939z playing The Whispers "In The Raw". :thumbsup:



Member (SA)
Sharp WF-939z playing The Whispers "In The Raw". :thumbsup:

[ Image ]

Freddie have you ever wanted to remove the stickers? Sometimes I do, but leave it alone as its probably a bad idea!


No Longer Active
I said this before... Back in the day, I'd immediately pull ALL stickers off any new thing I got. Nowadays, it's hard to find boxes with the stickers still attached and I wish all my boxes had 'em. :-/

On another note, it's good to have those stickers 'cause if you're a seller, the boxes bring in more money. :-D


Member (SA)
Chalrles Mingus: Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus Mingus on my BigBen. And my LORD it sounds beautiful, and yes, it sounds better on my BigBen than my M-90.

I think the BigBen's strongest musical style is jazz, as it's utterly gorgeous to listen to on.

Rock On.


Staff member
Sharp WF-939z playing The Whispers "In The Raw". :thumbsup:

[ Image ]

Freddie have you ever wanted to remove the stickers? Sometimes I do, but leave it alone as its probably a bad idea!
Nope! If it has a sticker it stays, if it falls off, I'll call Booby! :-D


Member (SA)
Sharp WF-939z playing The Whispers "In The Raw". :thumbsup:

[ Image ]

Freddie have you ever wanted to remove the stickers? Sometimes I do, but leave it alone as its probably a bad idea!
Nope! If it has a sticker it stays, if it falls off, I'll call Booby! :-D

Booby is the bomb! I got a care package from him today!!! :w00t: :-D


Member (SA)
I current testing my JVC PC-W330LS

at the moment Madonna is ON AIR "like a virgin"
This is the first time test since I own it.

It goes loud and clear, but the EQ and Tape A is out of order.
Also a tapedoor cover is missing

I like Its style but the sound quality is a bit disappointing.

Now its playing Born in the U.S.A. :yes:


Boomus Fidelis
This nice TELEFUNKEN i found for cheap.
Now playing for the next time in our büro.

But yesterday we had 2 hours a AC problem.
So i took out this old ELIN for playing.
It needs only 4 cells :blush:



Member (SA)
Pioneer CK-5F, Prince "Let's Work". :thumbsup:

I saw Prince's last concert here in St. Louis - the man puts on a stellar show and is the best concert I have ever seen!