Thanks. Here is another picture of my 9696:
Image ]
It's very powerful and loud but i don't STILL know if i like it's sound. Sounds very good if i listen disco or 80's music but somehow it fails if i want to listen modern music. Too much mids i think.
as i was talking to redben,
sometimes it takes some time to get to know the box sound,
i have a hitachi trk 8190 e,
since last year, november or so,
and only know i am discovering its depth in bass,
and some times the volume seems loud,
sometimes not so loud
( speccialy at home, guess must have to do with the walls or so ,
or maybe my ears )
but i know it cranks, lets enjoy this one:
just the other day i was cranking the box at the train station,
at a high volume,
when i heard the lady anouncer on the pa's
i just turned it up a bit,
no lady to be heard anymore, or anything else
ok, enough fun,
i went back up town,
not wanting to bother the people over there.