What Boombox Are You Cranking Up Right Now??


Member (SA)
My $100 Grail!!!

PS I have a green reel to reel coming :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Pioneer CK-5F, Prince "Let's Work". :thumbsup:

I saw Prince's last concert here in St. Louis - the man puts on a stellar show and is the best concert I have ever seen!
Hi Johnny-How about a private performance in the 7th.Street Venue with 25 people!! He was there with Sheila E. & was invited to hang & go over to the private performance.
I went to his birthday party in 1985'!! Over 5 hours of perfromances!! Got out of First Avenue at like 4:00 a.m.!!
I knew his body guard-hung out with the Revolution back in the day-Yes I was one of those First Avenue loyal regulars!
Ahh the 80's!! I haven't seen him for a while-been to Paisley Park studios to-very,very cool!
Yes even His royalness knows who I am!'
Have a good one-GB. :-) :yes: :cool:


Member (SA)
Ghetto, I am jealous! I love his performances, his music, and his crazy style!!

I love the movie Purple Rain and even more so Apollonia! :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Hi Johnny-Appolonia was hot-I was buying records & tapes in the music store right next to First Avenue! She came in with a couple of hotties-I was right next to her checking out the music & of course her! :-P I so wanted to ask to go with her in her limo!!
I hate being somewhat shy sometimes!! :blush: that was 1984' late right after the movie!! Man she was smokin!!
Now if you ever saw Vanity-you'd freak!!! :-O She was one of the most beautiful women in the world back then! :-O :cool:

I have so much Prince music-tons!

Gotta go-Have a good night a boomin with that killer M-90 project!! Love your 100.00 838 also good taste!
I need to get my M-90 into the shop or someone here and get the tape deck working! Oh BTW-You'll have to wait in line for those antennas!! :-P
I need 2 also.
Have a supper week-Jeff. :-) :yes: :-P

Listening to: The JVC RC-M90JW to some Miley Cyrus & some Duran Duran!! :-) :cool: :yes:


Member (SA)
Good night :yes:

I broke down and bought some antennas from a China seller - arrived in good shape so :thumbsup: Still hurt money wise!


Member (SA)
Just painting with my friends the living room:
[ Image ]

Playing the RADIONE:
[ Image ]

This is one of my favorite pics, a boombox be enjoyed with some beers while painting... :thumbsup:


Staff member
Agree with the above statement! :thumbsup:

Listening tosome pint sized power...

Hitachi TRK-6700H, Raydio "For Those Who Like To Groove". :-D


Member (SA)
hitachi trk 8190E

playing shannon and some other electro

on the street


maximal 286 with some carol lynn townes

and some freestyle


Member (SA)
Off work till next Tues... so hooked up the Sharp 8989 via line in (DIN) and seeing how loud and clear I can get it by feeding it the highest possible sound quality from the HIFI setup.

Gotta say, James Ingram - Yah Mo Be There (Jellybean Remix) sounds mighty fine :thumbsup: :surf: