I am giving it a full day of running right BT #3 now, going on the 5th hour and it is working great sitting at my desk.
Here is my final review of the 3 BT modules:
CPS brand BT module #1:
- Best range of 140ft un-ubstructed, 50ft ubstructed range
- price
was decent at $34 shipped but was hiked up to $50 each and has been sold out since, can't get them anywhere
- inline fuse was a nice add on
- looks to be the most cheaply made
- RCA wire gauge is thicker than the Millenia brand
- little bit of a high pitch feedback though the speakers when module powered on with no BT music playing. High pitch noise dropped after the ipod was actually connected via BT. Keeping the ipod volume high during music playback helped
clear this up high pitch noise, not just cover the noise. You notice it most during the pause in audio between songs.
MIL-BTREC Millenia brand BT module #2:
- average range of 60ft un-ubstructed and 20-30ft ubstructed
- price was about the same at $37 shipped
- hard case nicer than the CPS unit heat shrink case
- thinner gauge RCA wires than CPS brand
- again even more of a high pitch feedback through the speakers when module powered on with no BT music playing. High pitch noise didn't drop much at all after the ipod was actually connected via BT. Keeping the ipod volume high during music playback helped
cover up the high pitch noise. You notice it most during the pause in audio between songs.
Sure Electronics brand BT module #3:
- un-ubstructed range not tested, but ubstructed range was only about 20-30ft
- best price at only $25 shipped
- looks to be built the best. Solder points, components, layout, mounting holes, all much nicer than BT #1 and #2.
- RCA jacks (not wires), 3.5mm jack, 12v DC jack, 12v wire terminals, and green power LED
- No high pitch noise from this module like the other ones. There is a distinctive hum in the speakers when the BT module is powered on but you are not connected via BT. Again, the hum is most noticeable during the pause between songs. I will be adding an auxiliary toggle switch to kill power to the BT module when not in use to get rid of the hum while I use an actual RCA cord plugged into the back of the radio. I did power this module with a 12v source outside of the radio and the hum was completely gone. Maybe there is a way to filter/shield the 12v power that is tapped from inside the radio to clear this up.
It's a tough choice to decide which is better, but I know the Millenia brand BT #2 I will probably stay away from. It's only nice feature is the hard plastic case, but the high pitch noise is annoying if you are listening for it. Ubstructed range was still only about 20-30ft.
I would snag a CPS brand BT #1 simply for the range, 140ft is amazing. Are the all like this? Who knows. But I can't get any more anywhere, all sold out.
So that leaves you with BT #3 Sure Electronics brand. Great price (get discounts when you buy multiples), great build quality, most connection options, nice power LED, no high pitch feedback but does have a audible hum, and nice mounting holes. If there was a way to add antenna to increase signal range, this one would be the BOSS.
I think it is a
TIE between the CPS brand #1 and the Sure Electronics brand #3 depending on what YOU need. If you need range and more compact design, then go CPS if you can find it. If you need build quality and connection options, then go with Sure Electronics brand which is over 2x the footprint of the other modules.
Just a little update:
After testing the modules some more, all of the high pitch feedback and hum is caused from the power source in the radio. I have hooked up an external 12v power and all of the noise is gone. I'm not sure how to filter that noise out of the audio, if someone has an idea please let me know!