trippy1313 said:
Did you take pics of the install? What I've found with the module I used was to use the ground for the module but don't connect the negative side of the audio outputs. With the module I used, the shared the same ground, so connecting the audio ground made the loop noise.
I think I also found to connect to module ground to the main chassis board ground on the radio, if that makes sense.
Also, test out the range, let us know what kind of connectivity distance you get.
i took some pictures and will post when i finish. i tried disconnecting the audio ground but it didn't help. i don't know why there would be a ground loop. usually that happens if the grounds are not at similar potential. the ground for my audio and the ground for the BT module have no resistance between them so they should be at the same potential, unless the BT module is doing something inside its self that is causing a difference. the module can either be powered from the unit with audio disconnected or powered externally with the audio connected. power from the unit and connect the audio and weirdness happens, you hear those digital switching noises. i'm gonna get those DC to DC isolators from digikey and power the BT module through that and see what happens. i'd rather go that route than use a ground loop isolator on the audio because those things tend to affect the sound, they tend to kill the bass is my experience. the DC to DC isolator is smaller and cheaper and hopefully provides galvanic isolation which should eliminate any loop issues or interference feeding back through the power lines from the BT module. it should essentially be the same as running the BT module from a separate battery.
p.s, i ordered xy-bt-mini modules from a place, i blew those in my experimentation and ordered another 5 from the same guy. they arrived the other day and i received hw-770 modules which look exactly the same. the only problem is that the hw-770 have a heavily chinese accented english language voice instead of the tones on the xy-bt-mini. i prefer tones over people talking.
i gotta see if they have any BT modules that are made in italy. i wouldn't mind super mario telling me my blue a tootha is a now a connected.
p.s, on the BT module, i measured resistance between the negative power terminal, audio ground and the pcb antenna and there is no resistance between these points. i wonder if this is the issue. if the antenna is connected to the ground, then the BT signal would feed back through the power ground and audio ground. if the BT module is powered by an external source, the BT signal would be part of a different electrical circuit and wouldn't feed into the M70.