What Rare Boomboxes do you own??

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Member (SA)
being a uk guy we usually get the common boxes over here but i got this beauty a while back, (sadly gone now) id'e say it was the rarest box i ever had.
it's the daewoo rcs 902w, has a few aka's one being emerson and another the tokyo conquerer.
here's a few shots of her :-)










Member (SA)
Realistic SCR-1 - Model No. 14-771, Made in Japan.
It is fully functioning including tape and cosmetically a 9/10.
For those who may not know, the SCR-1 was Radio Shack's "First Official Boombox" that came out way back in 1978.
Anyone know what it is worth ? There isnt much info on it on the net.
I love how well this lil boomer is made. Looks great too ! :breakdance:


Some pics :-)













Member (SA)
TheDogHouse said:
Hi guys!

My first post... I just got this box and I'm about to start bringing it back to life.
Is it rare or not? Well let's see if anybody recognizes it... Here's a pic.

[ Image ]

Cheers ;-)

Well... I've never seen it or a picture of it before... It kind of reminds me of my old Alaron Rapsody. I can't find a pic sorry but perhaps someone else..?


Member (SA)
ledmeter said:
TheDogHouse said:
Hi guys!

My first post... I just got this box and I'm about to start bringing it back to life.
Is it rare or not? Well let's see if anybody recognizes it... Here's a pic.

[ Image ]

Cheers ;-)

Well... I've never seen it or a picture of it before... It kind of reminds me of my old Alaron Rapsody. I can't find a pic sorry but perhaps someone else..?

It's Luma LR20N24 from 1982. Scandinavian ghettoblaster. I've never even seen a picture of another.
This one is in terrible shape, but I think I can bring it back. It's very solid and heavy and well build.

I'm gonna start by dusting it off inside and out. Wish me luck!


Member (SA)
Tryed to find a picture of Alaron Rhapsody, but didn't have no luck on google. Anyone? I kind of like to see
and judge the similarity with Luma.


Member (SA)
TheDogHouse said:
Tryed to find a picture of Alaron Rhapsody, but didn't have no luck on google. Anyone? I kind of like to see
and judge the similarity with Luma.

I used to own the exact one which was pictured in the PocketCalculatorShow website, but after many troubles with the cassette playback function I sold it on to an old man who wanted a nice radio to repair and cherish.
I can no longer find the pictures. Good luck!!


Member (SA)
How about this one. Another EuroBox, Philips D8554 made in Austria.
I don't know if it's rare or not, but I do know it's absolutely the most underrated box I have.
Being a 3-piecer and being so modern looking, it's not my most favorite box or anything,
but at least up here in the North they are just giving these away. Not so many around, though.

How about other corners of the World, is this rare? Antipodes what you say? Many of these around?


By the way, the sound is pretty nice.


Member (SA)
My office radio... a late 80`s EAW Audio 145, made in East Germany. Looks really ugly, but has very good components inside and removable 2-way-speakers with a good sound (as long as you do not make them too loud). In use without breaks since 25 years and still works pretty good.


- 4 band tuner
- 5 band graphic equalizer
- Full auto stop cassette drive
- cassette title search up to 6 songs
- automatic and manual record leveling
- Stereo "WIDE" switch
- auto switching cassette type I/II/Metal
- separated phono and AUX in
- post fading function for recordings

regards, Marco


Member (SA)
Cool! I never knew that they made these in DDR. That must've been worth some serious money
way back then... I know that some Austrian made radios were sold as repatched versions in DDR
and I'm guessing some boxes from West Germany too.


Member (SA)
This item was extremely expensive in GDR. Today you can buy them from time to time at german ebay for about 80 Euros in good condition. But Austrian radios I don`t remember. East Germany had a large Hifi- and audio industry with products in the midrange sector. No High end. The east german RFT-company did export their products to western countries using west german trading brands like "Bruns", "Conrad" or "Universum" to Poland using the "Unitra" label and to Czech partly under the czech "Tesla" label.

If you`re interested in east german boomboxes, make a search for
RFT SKR 550/551 or its small and cheap brother SKR 700/701
They look nice, but they don`t really have any kind of bass, the shown EAW Audio is the
only exception, because of it`s 2way-bass-reflex-speaker system.


Staff member
ms-mer said:
...My office radio... a late 80`s EAW Audio 145, made in East Germany. Looks really ugly, but has very good components inside...

It does have that "The Peoples Radio" look to it but is cool to see it loaded with features. Goes to show you that even then, people wanted good sound regardless of the politics of the country. :-D


Member (SA)
ms-mer said:
This item was extremely expensive in GDR.

Oh yeah, I bet you had to pay half of years salary and wait couple of years
to actually get it... :-)

I might be wrong about the Austrian radios, maybe it was the other way around: DDR
radios being imported to Austria with different labels, like you said. Well, be that as it
may, your box is rare for sure. Never seen one. Never seen any electronics from East
Germany for that matter. Now, that I think about it, I don't think I have seen too much
East German stuff at all. We had lot of German stuff when I was growing up, but it was
always labeled "Made in West-Germany". Didn't even think about it back then.

I remember the funny little cars with two-stroke engines, the Trabant and the Wartburg
there was couple of those around in the 80's. I just remember them cause they were so
different from the Volvos and the Saabs that we generally drove.
:eek:fftopic: I know, I know


Member (SA)
The JVC looks really strange... Sure that there wasn`t working a designer from former East Germany on this device? :-P But - everybody has a silver box with black speakers - I like these strange ones. Mostly they are cheaper and often they have a superior sound.


Boomus Fidelis
TheDogHouse said:
How about this one. Another EuroBox, Philips D8554 made in Austria.
I don't know if it's rare or not, but I do know it's absolutely the most underrated box I have.
Being a 3-piecer and being so modern looking, it's not my most favorite box or anything,
but at least up here in the North they are just giving these away. Not so many around, though.

How about other corners of the World, is this rare? Antipodes what you say? Many of these around?

[ Image ]

By the way, the sound is pretty nice.

Have the same "james bond" box :yes:
cool unit.
Also the one with CD instead the sub


Member (SA)
Have the same "james bond" box :yes:
cool unit.
Also the one with CD instead the sub

Well yeah, Österreich, I should've guessed that you do... :-P

You wouldn't happen to have a picture of the CD version? How does it sound w/o the sub? Granted that the "sub"
is a lot weaker than it looks. I would think it still does have some effect on the sound...


Member (SA)
ViennaSound said:
TheDogHouse said:
How about this one. Another EuroBox, Philips D8554 made in Austria.
I don't know if it's rare or not, but I do know it's absolutely the most underrated box I have.
Being a 3-piecer and being so modern looking, it's not my most favorite box or anything,
but at least up here in the North they are just giving these away. Not so many around, though.

How about other corners of the World, is this rare? Antipodes what you say? Many of these around?

[ Image ]

Have the same "james bond" box :yes:
cool unit.
Also the one with CD instead the sub

Thats ill....
Why am i not surprised that Roman has one...
New game...post a pic of a rare box that Roman doesn't have or had....winner gets a ........


Member (SA)
Hey guys, what about these two ? Never seen anyone with any of them

First there's the Cap10 (the captain) that I got here in the UK.
Sounds great and looks fantastic, from 1981

Then this mini labeled Cherry Coke from Germany
fully working and sweet-sounding

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