What Rare Boomboxes do you own??

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Member (SA)
Nice Bomboxes, I Have 3 Bomboxes, Sanyo 9038K, Philips AR 450 and Philips AR 420.
The Sanyo Is New in the Box made in Brazil in 1985


New Member
Hey guys.......my first post here. Here is my Panasonic. I'm not exactly sure how rare it is but i know it's desired and collectible so when i recognized the model in a unspecific craigslist ad I picked it up.

I grew up listening to a boombox (though it was nothing like this monster) so it brings back fond memories of lying awake in the evening waiting for the right songs to air with my finger on the record button. I haven't been this excited about a audio purchase in a long time. This beauty is in near perfect condition.

Love your collections!





Member (SA)
"Sanyo M9500. I've seen two in my life and I've owned both of them."

oops... There was one of these recently at the tip shop but I left it there :dunce:


Member (SA)
Pioneer SK-757
Crown RX-9800
Toshiba RT-SX1000
Toshiba RT-S85
Sanyo M-X820
Sharp VZ-V20R
Brother OT-448
General SRC-8000


Member (SA)
Like RX7700....I own a very nice Panasonic RX-7700, which I also believe is a rare bird. Love love love it! Using right now recording from ipod nano to line in on 7700, onto a new blank cassette tape! The tape on this radio top notch home stereo quality! Very little plastic used, lots of metal and aluminum parts.


Boomus Fidelis
These are some awesome rare beauties here :thumbsup: since posting I've added a few more I believe to be rare at least here in the states :-)



Member (SA)
some real beauties in this thread, here's my rarest box the daewoo rcs 902w aka tokyo conquerer. not so rare in the US ofcourse but here in the UK it's the only iv'e ever seen in 8 years of collecting so very rare indeed over here.
can't seem to upload pics so here's a link to an old post with plenty of pics :thumbsup:



Boomus Fidelis
Hers a few of more of my rare ones for you.
National/Panasonic RX-F20

Marantz CRS8000F

Pioneer SK-Q10SV.

Sanyo M-W25F

Pioneer CK-3 mini compo.

Aiwa CS880E

Telefunken Studio1M.

Sanyo M-X650K


Member (SA)
Some boomers which i believe nobody here ever heard of :-P . Bulgarian made Resprom 323 . Shizaudio picture is actually mine. They just got it from somewhere and i feel free to use my own :lol: have both versions of course. Back in the 80s this one was more cash than gf 777 , so thats the reason to be so rare. Nobody bought it :lol:




Member (SA)
skippy1969 said:
d8614ss said:
some real sweet boxes there Skippy1969, love em all but the pioneer steals the show for me :yes: love it :thumbsup:
Which Pioneer is your favorite?
The mini or the compo?
sorry i should of been more specific, the compo mate i love it, looks top notch :thumbsup:


New Member
Wow. You guys have some collections! Skippy 1969.........I particularily love the Telefunken and Marantz. Those are some CLASSY looking boxes! Thanks for the pictures.



I Am Legend
i think ??
my most rare serious// good box is the conion # C-84 :drool: :drool:

but it should not be rare :huh:
these are terrific --and should have been sold --
at least as often as the c100f

as far as i know --only gordie has them in this western hemi --
or --anybody else ??



Member (SA)
Stuntman Mike said:
I would´t consider the Crowns or the Hifi Studio 1 as rare, at least in Germany. It´s more difficult here to get a Conion or a Lasonic.

But I think this one is pretty rare here and there:

[ Image ]

It´s an Adyson 4121 and it sounds pretty good too. :stereo:

Adyson 4121 aka SAMSUNG ST-775A is not very rare here in Finland. I have seen 3 units sold here for 15-25 euros in auctions during 12 months. But it might be more rare elsewhere. At least under brand Adyson.


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
i think ??
my most rare serious// good box is the conion # C-84 :drool: :drool:

but it should not be rare :huh:
these are terrific --and should have been sold --
at least as often as the c100f

as far as i know --only gordie has them in this western hemi --
or --anybody else ??

[ Image ]

One Conion CRC-H84F just sold in Canada for $374,69 on christmas eve. I forgot the ending time and missed it :-/
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