What Rare Boomboxes do you own??

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Boomus Fidelis
That's just it though what might be rare in states is not rare elsewhere. I consider something rare in states when I've only seen a couple for sale on US eBay in last few years...Example is Magnavox D8443/8300 are a dime a dozen here and so are Lasonic TRC931/975 but J1's and Telefunkens hardly ever show :yes:


Member (SA)
Just this one...



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baddboybill said:
Mono is that your line in or Radio :hmmm: Definitely rare :drool:

Rarer than 98% of the boxes I've seen in this thread...

But yeah, that was the iPod via line-in.


In the 6 years I've been collecting, I've still NEVER seen anybody else here with a Hitachi Perdisco TRK-8280...

Damn near everybody and their grandmother has an 8180 tho. Haha! That's a good thing tho. :cool:


Member (SA)
I've seen a few JR-711s go on yahoo in the last few months, still haven't managed to nab one though


Boomus Fidelis
baddboybill said:
Mono is that your line in or Radio :hmmm: Definitely rare :drool:

Rarer than 98% of the boxes I've seen in this thread...

But yeah, that was the iPod via line-in.


In the 6 years I've been collecting, I've still NEVER seen anybody else here with a Hitachi Perdisco TRK-8280...

Damn near everybody and their grandmother has an 8180 tho. Haha! That's a good thing tho. :cool:

:drool: she's a beauty :drool:


Member (SA)
(2)Sharp GF-990G's,Aiwa 770U,Sharp GF-9595and GF-9797E,Sharp 767,
Toshiba WX-1!
These are just some that I can think off of the top of my head. :-D :yes:


Member (SA)
In the 6 years I've been collecting, I've still NEVER seen anybody else here with a Hitachi Perdisco TRK-8280...

I've got two of them! Both are waiting for resto. I loved the first one so much I had to grab a second. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

347 Tony

Member (SA)
RX7700 said:
Wow. You guys have some collections! Skippy 1969.........I particularily love the Telefunken and Marantz. Those are some CLASSY looking boxes! Thanks for the pictures.

Agree with this, never saw either of them before. Nice.


Member (SA)
Hi guys!

My first post... I just got this box and I'm about to start bringing it back to life.
Is it rare or not? Well let's see if anybody recognizes it... Here's a pic.


Cheers ;-)


Boomus Fidelis
JustCruisin said:
Reli said:
JustCruisin said:
Besides my Sharp GF-9000, this Monster Discolite is probably my other most rare box..

[ Image ]

Damn! How many speakers are in that thing?

Ha, 4 woofers and 4 tweeters.. The 2 bottom woofs have bass knobs like the 777's..

I see the 2 woofers on the bottom......What about the grills to the left and right of them? Fake?


Member (SA)
Reli said:
I see the 2 woofers on the bottom......What about the grills to the left and right of them? Fake?

If you are talking about the bottom row, to the left and right are tape storage compartments holding about 6 tapes in each one..
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