What Boombox Are You Cranking Up Right Now??


Boomus Fidelis
Got today a couple of tapes:


Hm, will play it at the compactline... ;-)



Boomus Fidelis
Blasting the big PHILIPS. :sin:
For me it´s one of the most beauty 3piecers!

Playing the Disco-Fever tapes from flea ;-)


Paaaaaarty! :breakdance:


I Am Legend
my m71 --today -
played "SINNERMAN"
by both gloria gaynor and old nina simone

and --later --if we can find it :huh: :dunce:
a 10 minute version by sarah dash :cool: :surf:


I Am Legend
tom petty on radio with my korean taihan - :-O

just arrived today from an ebay --short money -even for a beater :-)
good box = very decent bass - 3 dial lamps //sep bass & treble// loudness// 2 analalogue VUs
dirty but semi-thrilling :-D :yes:

btw --do we need a new thread for this ??
or can some hip lyrics member tell..............
what does the indiana girl have to do with mary jane :huh: :dunce: :huh:



Member (SA)
Mary Jane Girls "Candy Man" on the JVC PC-55 :thumbsup:

[ Image ]

I am not cranking any box right now, but oldskool, that is one sexy photo - not to disrespect but I'd like to plug her...... in :)

Beautiful box!