What Boombox Are You Cranking Up Right Now??


Member (SA)
M90, with Sound Burger playing New Order's Round & Round 12inch single.



Rock On.

Old school Scott

Member (SA)
M90, with Sound Burger playing New Order's Round & Round 12inch single.

Thats a sweet set up.
does that thing take batteries?

Cheers OSS :afro:


Member (SA)
Pioneer CK-5F B.B. & Q Band "Genie".

[ Image ]

Hi Freddie-I have the 12" long version of this song!
What a great song!!
Been listening to the GF-9191X listening to FM & Shortwave!!
Have a great Christmas week-GB. :-) :yes:

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
:lucky for you its still working, tim -- :angelic: :angelic:

the warranty was up 3 days ago !!! :lol: :w00t: :lol:
:lol: :lol: I think i broke the warrnty seal as soon as i bought her blue :lol:

same box still with fleetwood mack :-)

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
Great track i use franks m90 or the other for extremly loud sound,altho i have made yours louder i never thrash it cuz it may blow the origional speakers :lol:


Member (SA)
Listening to FM on my JVC PC-V2.
I know this was from the "decline & fall" era, but damn this thing has wonderful sound for a boomer. Really clear & full-range. From a better time (87-88), when they sold this stuff by people listening in the shop & choosing the best sounding one.

BBC Radio 2 broadcasting an 80s fest now with Chris Tarrant who i used to listen to on the Capital breakfast show.
Ah, memories...

Oh, yes - here's a pic:

...happy new year all :-)


Staff member
Iso...that PC-V2 is actually on my want list. There is one on the 'Bay but I'm not to sure about the seller and the price is out there... :-)


Member (SA)
...jamming the new Jay-Z on my Panny DT 680 and Kaboom using an fm modulator via my Creative X-FI2 (best sounding mp3 on the planet!)...these 2 boxes together literally shake the room!!... :-D :yes:


Member (SA)
National RX-7000 recently cleaned and restored, connected to an ipod touch with Yahoo radio ... 128k stream audio, nice listening! :breakdance:


Member (SA)
Dunno if it counts but just tested a Kaboom I listed on Ebay and it rocked to house, great units and this one is virtually new!
Hate to let it go but it went to a great home baby boomster!!!
