What Boombox Are You Cranking Up Right Now??


Member (SA)
thx for the comments on the JVC PC-V2 guys :-)
it's a real quality sounding boomer, but as with all boomers where the extra-bass speaker is hidden away in a dedicated enclosure, it runs out of puff a bit early & then sounds terrible.
However it does play pretty loud before that happens (better than my equivalent ASW 3D Hitachis).
The looks are a triumph for that era, just before all the silly rounded edges came in...


Member (SA)
What with all the snow in the UK right now, I'm one of the few still working (I can work remotely).
Oh well, at least I still get paid - many contractors & self-employed people are losing money now.

Here's my home office, with the usual choice of boomer... old Def Leppard CDs on right now :-)


Member (SA)
classic track.
klf classic band.
acid house is due for a return. youll see


panasonic dt707
providing the sound for jaws

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
Magnavox D-8643 The KLF "Justified & Ancient Featuring Tammy Wynette" :thumbsup:

Haha aint heard of the KLF in years, nice one oldy keep rockin. :-)


Staff member
Think that one goes back...

Who here has heard of...

Dayton "The Sound of Music"? (Currently playing on the D-8643! :thumbsup: )


Member (SA)
As Rimmer said it was dead on here..... thought I'd post in this one ;-)

Earlier this evening I was playing a few tracks from Bobby Brown's 'Dance... Ya Know It!' cassette on the Sharp GF-575.

Also annoyed at how limp the rewind has become on the right hand deck.. :-/