What Boombox Are You Cranking Up Right Now??


Member (SA)
working from home in my son's room, with my iPod in his i931... :-)


Member (SA)
Special 11:11 11-11-10' Session with the Sharp GF-8989II with some Zapp 2 & some Tanya Gardner "Heartbeat" on cassette!! This is special for me as 1111 is my special number especially when I used to go out partying with my original 8989II that I bought new in 81'!! It would always come up when I looked at the clock!!!!
The memories of going out with a bunch of us and cranking that boombox up is really really special to me.And me and my friend Jennifer-all the times we spent with that boombox which I ultimately gave her for her gradutaion gift.
Still trying to find out what happened to that !
I'm glad I have a nice replacement but it's never the same as the original but so close!
Thank God I do have my original JVC PC-55JW from brand new from 1985'!!
Just noticed something-My friend Dan may he RIP -his number was 1010 & this just happens to be my 1010th. post!! :-O
Have a super week-GB. :yes: :surf: :thumbsup: :cool: :breakdance: :choco: :-O :yes: :cool: :stereo: :stereo: :dj: :stereo:


Member (SA)
Today I have to strip the garage floor and repaint it. So I am gonna play some Run DMC for motivation on the Rising 20 20...think I will start with "You be illin"....

Master Z

Member (SA)
Last night went to a bonfire and took the M70 with me. There was also a Newer Sony boombox there, the one with the super woofer in the middle flanked my the mids. It had good bass at low levels but distorted way too much at medium levels.
Chalk up a win to the M70, in all the sound categories. We ended up using both, for a surround sound. It was a good night.
:drunk: :beer2: :gathering: :stereo: :beer2:


Member (SA)
Last night went to a bonfire and took the M70 with me. There was also a Newer Sony boombox there, the one with the super woofer in the middle flanked my the mids. It had good bass at low levels but distorted way too much at medium levels.
Chalk up a win to the M70, in all the sound categories. We ended up using both, for a surround sound. It was a good night.
:drunk: :beer2: :gathering: :stereo: :beer2:
...one thing I love about the M70 is that it is a great outdoor box. Great sound and it is VERY loud so sound will project a long distance...that's why it is my favorite all around box...


Boomus Fidelis
the lasonic i931 ,i don't know why but this box kicks ass , i wanted to mod it but i can't see any reason too ,maybe it just sounds good to me in my environment ? either way at times it gets pretty damn loud i really dont see a huge lack of bass in my case i think the bass is great ,the box could sound better but for what it is the price is a bargain.


Member (SA)
'pologies for going off-topic a bit, but eldorado: are you an ELO fan at all?
Just wondered witht he name "eldorado" & how you look rather like Jeff Lynne in your pics... :-)


Boomus Fidelis
'pologies for going off-topic a bit, but eldorado: are you an ELO fan at all?
Just wondered witht he name "eldorado" & how you look rather like Jeff Lynne in your pics... :-)

If it´s so , then i´m a eldorado fan! :lol:

But just a good idea.
Must take out the ELO-tape and start the big PHILIPS.... :cool:


Member (SA)
'pologies for going off-topic a bit, but eldorado: are you an ELO fan at all?
Just wondered witht he name "eldorado" & how you look rather like Jeff Lynne in your pics... :-)

no worries.

no as a matter of fact i am not,

and didnt know what ELO

was , but then i kinda ' googled ' it,

and i think you are refering to ' Electric Light Orchestra ' .

I have never heard them. The name is not totally unfamiliar, but i have heard no songs from them.

I will give it a go soon.

( first i thought of REO :) )

I have hair and beard like this, because im a hippie.


1960s' yay!!!