Hi everyone-I'm up at 2:50 and just got done recording!!!!!
Tapes are done and are being sent out tomorrow(Th.) to Djetaine!!
I really had fun doing this and it amazes me all the really cool music on these tapes!!
I left almost 21 minutes left for djetaine!
I recorded from my JVC PC-55JW to my JVC PC-55C!
1 song from my I-Pod Classic to my JVC-PC55C!
I'm so tired I can't even see straight!
BUT these are how recording sessions go-just ask Jaetee!!
Just loved some of this music on these!!
Kind of cool JVC tapes recorded & played on JVC!
One really cool thing is that for a while both tape counters were like dead on to like 1,000!! Cool!! Kind of mesmorizing!
Very cool as I wanted to get these out & fire them up-working perfectly!!!
Man what sounds better than 1 PC-55-2-PC-55's!!
Enjoy the photos & take care-Jeff.