See. That's your problem in a nut-shell. Sorry if I offend but I want to give you some advice on that. I've done 11 custom LED jobs in the last 2 years & also had a few others restorations in the mix....All are finished....WHY?
I have 1 NOT start another project before you finish your last one, period. My uncle was horrible for taking on projects, 1 after the other & finishing none of them....eventually my aunt kicked his butt & made him throw out all the junk piling up to be fixed 'some day'. It was becoming a hoarder's nest of broken TV's, stereo's. washing machines & other salvation army rejects but my uncle Jim just couidn't stay the course on any 1 thing.
Anyways, amazing work, as always & can't wait to see the RIKER flat black, the 4 woofer super tandem & especially the CANDY CONION A.K.A. PEZ POUNDER!!