Last post wins!!!!

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Member (SA)
Is it true that out of the 2400 posts MyohMy has made on the forum, 2300 have been in this thread trying to get the last post? Haha!


Member (SA)
:hmmm: Mmmmm...........................although..........................I was so outraged today that I sent an email to the Prime Minister:

"YOU are a traitor to this country and not therefore not qualified to hold the the office of Prime Minister.

It is only with your exceptional personal dedication, strength of betrayal and deceit on so many levels that you can deliberately destroy the task of Brexit so spectacularly without the slightest of considerations to the referendum result, thoughts of loyalty to our nation or responsibilities of your office. You are a total disgrace and ought to be ashamed of yourself.

I gave 15 years of my life to military service and, within the short time you have held the office of Prime Minister, you alone have made me feel my service was in vain as you are pursuing a course of betraying this country with the intention of surrendering our great nation to the EUSSR.

May you rot in hell for your treachery."

In this day of leftie Thought Police & Behaviour Controllers I can expect a knock on my door soon - not that I care too much. :yes:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
I see Christine's fiery spirit still burns strong within her.



Member (SA)
My record is a few months. I could be sneaky and edit a previous post but technically it wouldn't be the last post.

I guess a moderator could post and lock the thread...but that'd be cheating :-P


Member (SA)
MyOhMy said:
... In this day of leftie Thought Police & Behaviour Controllers I can expect a knock on my door soon - not that I care too much. :yes:
If they lock you up for wrong think, I can look after your collection if ya like :-D


Boomus Fidelis
Hell maybe they can give us adjoining cells because maybe my thinking is ****ed up too being that I remember a semi normal world that has now gone crazy.
This millennia generation will never make it without a full time titty in their mouths and being handed everything and doing nothing for it.
I hope they all ****ing starve to death when the shlt hits the fan , hell I wouldn't fight for their punk asses as a matter of fact I hope to only live long enough to watch the fuking world self destruct.

This new generation can't even change a fuking tire much less save the planet .
these pussies with their skinny jeans and smart phones couldn't do anything but drink Starbucks while the world burns.
Everybody wants the right to be as fuked up as they can be and expect the rest of the human race to just accept it.
Any body who fights in a war these days is only doing the bidding of the government and really all they are is paid mercenaries even though they might not know it.

I been mad since the 80's because I never got to see the human race vaporized by nuclear weapons . what a fuking let down its like the whole cold war was for nothing lol.


Boomus Fidelis
All this so called civilization would crumble within a week without food or water so all these motherfukers who think they are the shlt would be eaten by the stronger people. You can't eat money or a college degree.

Look at all these taxes , I mean doesn't the government print the money ? , then why do they need it from me. Because its all a fuking scam .
you think you own your house but most people never pay off a goddamn thing and you don't own **** till you make the last payment and then you can only keep it by continued payment of taxes and fees.
You think you are free, hell nobody is free only running loose.


Member (SA)
Lol. We can always depend on you Floyd to tell us how you really feel :lol: MyOhMy and the rest of us were all called calcified asshats for stating that same obvious fact in a past I guess the popular thing to do these days is to walk around and be offended about everything.

Right now I'm kinda thinking Fatdog has the right idea :hmmm:

:weed: :weed: :weed: :weed: :drunk: :drunk:


Boomus Fidelis
At this point humans are so full of them self it fooking sickening all they can really do is buy more **** to make themselves feel better . I'm not offended b everything I just think humans are full of **** and want permission to act like everything is acceptable .
its amazing how the world lived thousands of years without political correctness but now in the last 20 years they would have us think that their new,way of thinking is the only way .

Next thing you know humans will be marrying animals . and they won't shut the **** up about it until they convinced the world it's OK.

Let's see how long people make it without constantly being praised for mediocre shlt or being spoon fed bullshlt by the truck load to make them think they are right about everything.

Look at all the diseases , there are more diseases now than when the black plague was in full swing , so much for your ****ing scientific advances.

How many people have more than 1 prescribed medicine , is because the drug companies are counting on you being sick for their surviving and profits from misery.

They aint cured **** since polio and they would have you think there's progress when actually there dozens of new disease being cooked up everyday just to make you think you fit into a category in case they left out somebody who's not a ****ing hypochondriac. Look at these commercials for drugs that only have well off middle class people in them who seem like they have perfect lives but yet suffer depression , I mean come how the hell can they be depressed let these assholes try out poverty for a while then they can complain.


Member (SA)
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ More, more, more! :yes: :-D You're on a roll now, go for it - jeez, my heart's all a-pumpin' now! :w00t: :-D All this truth and honesty is almost too much to bear after a the rough day I've had - WHAT A TONIC!!! :yes: :-D :thumbsup: :rock:

This is for you: :hooray:


Boomus Fidelis
The so called bad asses of the wold can't run away fast enough when the **** gets hot.
I've took heat all my life and i only cool down so I don't burn out before I lambasted their sorry asses into a mud hole.

The ****ing TV set and the computer are raising these kids nowadays and its rare to see any real old fashion james evans type supervision lol.
He's the funking chuck Norris of the ghetto for keeping them kids on the right path.
Even Fred Sanford is a good role model lol.
But now look at how in all these ads they show the entire family glued to their phone or TV , its so obvious to me the programming that's taking place but yet nobody seems to notice.
Why do you think that one a month they test out the signal and tell you it will have interrupt your normal programming.

Look at these kids sitting on their lazy asses , playing games and or starting at a phone.
That s*** would have got me murdered when I was growing up. I remember my old man ripping the f****** cords out of the wall because we were playing Atari when we shouldn't have been. We had to work and he made no f****** bones about it who was going to be doing the work.
The ease of life these m************ have now is absurd it's like they went to heaven the minute they were born there's people in this world that wallow in f****** their own s*** with flies in their mouth and we got lazy fuks over here he won't even wash dishes.

Our old man controlled the tv set , phone, refrigerator, bathroom, kitchen, you didn't do **** without his say so.
I only got to watch TV when he watched TV lol.

Everyday people are being stripped of their rights , all they need is some engineered disaster to scare all the chickens into their pens.
eventually They'll be scared right into the deep fryer.
Your every move is tracked , there's cameras everywhere , you can't scratch your balls without being recorded. Everything is going cashless to destroy the poor.

people care More about the Emmy Awards and what the f*** Beyonce's doing and the Kardashians in the stupid f****** Fashions another dumb s*** I mean they deserve to be in a f****** hole somewhere. Why is it people always want to be somebody else if they were doing it with their lives would be them instead of a f****** Beyonce.

Oh and I think the cost of healthcare is the leading cause of premature death.

I'm surprised people's hands alaint sore from Pat themselves on the back there's no f****** humility left in the world anymore everybody is feed their f****** ego to no end and keep themselves constantly entertained because their lives are empty and pathetic, at this point you almost have to be stupid to be happy in today's world.

I think that if the **** went down maybe you would have a chance but honestly they would just zap your ass with a laser beam from a f****** satellite and that would be the end of you no matter where you are.
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