Hey, guys, I'm back. I apologize that 2018 did not have any Boomas cards. The international "headquarters" of Boomboxery moved late October / early November. It would have been a race to get the artwork completed and sent to the card printer, but it seemed possible at the time. I had already acquired lots of source images for inspiration.
But then... my dad died two weeks after Mrs. Fatdog and I moved into our new house. He had a massive heart attack in the car while he and my mother were going shopping. My mother tried to flag down some help, but people just kept driving by until she actually pulled the car into traffic and stopped. A couple got out to help and the husband tried to get my dad out of the car, but could not, so CPR could not be administered. By the time the ambulance arrived, my dad had been without oxygen for about 25 minutes. He still had no heartbeat when he arrived at the hospital. However, after five defibs, the emergency personnel were able to get a pulse. The outlook wasn't great, but we hoped for the best. Unfortunately for us, he decided he needed a long break and said goodbye after about 30 hours in ICU.
Needless to say, my world stopped for a while.
Perhaps I will complete the 2018 Boomas cards and still mail them - just a little late.