What Rare Boomboxes do you own??

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Member (SA)
Hey Skippy...That RX-F20 you have, does it have a line in/line out RCA jacks, and a built-in transformer? That looks nice! I also love that RX-5700! When and where did you get that one?


Member (SA)
hemiguy2006 said:
My Clairtone 7979 is pretty rare in the USA.
I only know of two other members who have one.
Only ever seen one other than mine come up on epay.
I bid and lost that one. [ Image ]

Thats awesome!! :drool: :thumbsup:


I Am Legend
tosh 40
crown 945
sanyo 7830
sanyo 7880
vinix :thumbsup:
sharp 787
ITT touring 120
delmon :-D :-O ..
lasonic 909
grundig rr3000
philips red roller
aiwa 980
sony cs7

quite a few more ;-)

thanks for asking :-P :lol: :-D :lol: :lol: :breakdance: :drool:


Member (SA)
Hmm I'll go through mine today and post some pix.. but where does 'rare' stop? Is a DiscoLite rare?
I could say a lot of my radios are rare in .au just because they've been imported from the u.s or .jp.
Lasonics are ULTRA rare here, for example.

So are we talking rare based on your locality or rare based on what you see on boomboxery?

Setttling this will sve me a lot of work!

Rock On.


Boomus Fidelis
:-D :-D
Hitachi TRK8600RM -2 of our members own it other than me
Pioneer SK750
Panasonic RX5350
Panasonic RX7200
panasonic RX7000
Panasonic RX5700
Korean version of the C-100F
JVCRC550 Rare?
Sharp GF9696F Rare?


Boomus Fidelis
Gluecifer said:
Hmm I'll go through mine today and post some pix.. but where does 'rare' stop? Is a DiscoLite rare?
I could say a lot of my radios are rare in .au just because they've been imported from the u.s or .jp.
Lasonics are ULTRA rare here, for example.

So are we talking rare based on your locality or rare based on what you see on boomboxery?

Setttling this will sve me a lot of work!

Rock On.

Well I guess rare for locality :yes: for example... We already know Lasonics are not rare in the states but they are rare everywhere else. Same like Telefunken seems to be popular in Germany but less so here in the states. But when I look on EBay and Craigslist the boxes I own that don't seem to ever show up hardly are the ones I chose ;-)

And for as long as I've been collecting and searching, over three years...the Technics model Is one I have never seen before... That is before Scott showed it to me :thumbsup: But what I'd really like to know are the ones that are so rare on this Earth :-O That's why I'm asking for everyone to try and participate to rule out so we can really know the rarest :thumbsup:

Pictures are very helpful :-D

Old school Scott

Member (SA)


Boomus Fidelis
Rotel RPM-100, I haven't heard of any body else with this model. If anybody else here has one please raise your hand. :-)


Korean version of the C-100F


Member (SA)
I've got a lot of radios that I'd consider rare, ones that only a couple of other collectors have, like my red Perdisco, Denons and such.

But the radio I have that I consider the rarest is ironically the one I had in the 80s that I've recently scored as I've never ever seen another in anyones collection or any other place online.

And now, I have BOTH colour variations, the silver one I didn't even know existed until recently.


So I'd say this Philips of all my 150+ boomboxes is the most rare model I own.

Rock On.


Boomus Fidelis
Matrixambience said:
Hey Skippy...That RX-F20 you have, does it have a line in/line out RCA jacks, and a built-in transformer? That looks nice! I also love that RX-5700! When and where did you get that one?

Hey Matrix,the RX-F20 does have RCA line in and line outs but it requires an 9 volt ac adapter to operate on ac voltage. :yes: :thumbsup:
The RX-5700 I for from BadboybillI traded a few boxes for it and my left nut,LOL!!!! :angelic: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
LOL! Well....I hope your wife agrees that it was worth it...for the trade-off for that RX-5700. I like that little Panny! Its cute!


Member (SA)
Gluecifer said:
Hmm I'll go through mine today and post some pix.. but where does 'rare' stop? Is a DiscoLite rare?
I could say a lot of my radios are rare in .au just because they've been imported from the u.s or .jp.
Lasonics are ULTRA rare here, for example.

So are we talking rare based on your locality or rare based on what you see on boomboxery?

Setttling this will sve me a lot of work!

Rock On.

I would like to see rare meaning rare full stop !
Disco Robo is meant to be rare but every collector in Australia
has at least 5 :lol:

So whats the rarest amongst fellow collectors on the forum ??


Member (SA)
I think these are rare but also agree with many posters that a lot of these are geographically based.








Boomus Fidelis
skippy1969 said:
Matrixambience said:
Hey Skippy...That RX-F20 you have, does it have a line in/line out RCA jacks, and a built-in transformer? That looks nice! I also love that RX-5700! When and where did you get that one?

Hey Matrix,the RX-F20 does have RCA line in and line outs but it requires an 9 volt ac adapter to operate on ac voltage. :yes: :thumbsup:
The RX-5700 I for from BadboybillI traded a few boxes for it and my left nut,LOL!!!! :angelic: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Hey if you you want your left nut back I'd be willing to trade it back for the National :w00t: :lol: :lol: :lol: then your wife would be happy ;-)
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