Great topic - I wanna keep it going!
Here's a mildly reworked old post from s2g - with some stuff that hasn't yet been mentioned & all important PICS!
Weedy speakers behind massive grilles
100s of guilty boomboxes on this one, but some real howlers out there, like this JVC I rant about given half a chance:
...AAGH! It might sound wonderful, but if I owned one, the looks would annoy me every time.
The Kaboom is guilty of this too. Those teeny 8cm front drivers alone stopped me buying one for a year:
Fake twin sliders
Here's a good example. 2 pics of the same basic boomer, which actually has a 5-band EQ.
Count those sliders on the bottom one...
...What a con.
Useless piezo tweeters
I'm aware that with proper design, piezo tweeters can be very effective.
It's just that a decent performing piezo in a boombox is about as rare as rocking-horse poo. They're only put in so they can scrawl "TWO-WAY FOUR SPEAKER SYSTEM" all over the place. Yeah, like those 4-inch drivers couldn't possibly provide any highs...
Pointless graphics
Those ridiculous flowcharts & pictograms which are only there to busy-up a fascia with a painfully low switch-count.
Here's a reasonable example:
That lot is just a tuning dial & LED power meters... Grim.
Then there's:
twin slider volume controls. It's penny pinching. Fit a balance control, or just one volume slider if it's a 1pc. The speakers are only a foot apart anyway.
weedy little silver dustcaps in big speakers. That put me off the mighty M90 for a bit - I thought the woofer dustcaps should be bigger. Sanyo had it right with the likes of the M9994:
Now that is a
proper fkn boombox. It might sound rubbish, I dunno, but who cares - just look at the damn thing!
Hitachi 3D woofers got it right too, of course...!
line-in that only works when Record is pressed on the tape deck. This is responsible for the destruction of the deck on my beloved Hitachi 3D7, & is therefore A CAPITAL OFFENCE.
...aaah, that's better