At the park today with the kids grilling chicken, dogs, and hot links...jamming Color Me Badd on the M90. The M90 is fantastic for outdoor functions...the sound carries for blocks...
With all the flack they caught for how they looked, people seriously overlooked the fact that they could sing and their music was good.
The original version of "I Wanna Sex You Up" from the New Jack City soundtrack is still the shiznit!

...absolutely...I love the voice harmonies in their songs...and I have that soundtrack on tape, it is off the hook!I remember an award show back in the day. They and Boyz to Men were up for a top award, and after Boyz did their thing, Color Me Badd came out and did an acapella rendition of Take My Hand, Precious Lord and blew them off the stage...a personal favorite of the wifes from wayback.