melly ???
you have acquired some real high-end boxes lately -
i dont know all you bought --- but there is a big sony fh7 and an m90 in there
--right ??
how do those 2 compare to your 680 ?
I compared it to the GF800 but the 680 sounds cleaner and richer. The FH7 is probably the only box I have than has better sound and power than the 680...I will get my M90 tomorrow and plan on doing a 3 box comparison with the FH7, 680 and M90...stay tuned...

...but I will add that my CS 780 with DT 690 speakers sounds just as good as the 680 and the deck sounds BETTER than the 680!! Here is a shot of the CS 780 (with DT 690 speakers) and some black accents added...