What Boombox Are You Cranking Up Right Now??


I Am Legend
gorgeous --like brand new condition --

sort of a long story |-)
--but i won that exact box on a QUIKEE BIN
a few years ago --
but the seller refused to ship it out of new york-
so i was glad that 'local lopez' picked it up -
and then you become the final winner :thumbsup:

i do remember that beast69 tool-
he was known as the

and then i heard from a very reliable souce-
that he is now institutionalized


Boomus Fidelis
gorgeous --like brand new condition --

sort of a long story |-)
--but i won that exact box on a QUIKEE BIN
a few years ago --
but the seller refused to ship it out of new york-
so i was glad that 'local lopez' picked it up -
and then you become the final winner :thumbsup:

i do remember that beast69 tool-
he was known as the

and then i heard from a very reliable souce-
that he is now institutionalized
is he behind bars???


Boomus Fidelis
gorgeous --like brand new condition --

sort of a long story |-)
--but i won that exact box on a QUIKEE BIN
a few years ago --
but the seller refused to ship it out of new york-
so i was glad that 'local lopez' picked it up -
and then you become the final winner :thumbsup:

i do remember that beast69 tool-
he was known as the

and then i heard from a very reliable souce-
that he is now institutionalized

I remember that too, that was a crazy psycho reaction.
Your C-100F looks great, any one who thinks it's a piece of junk has a screw loose. :yes:


Boomus Fidelis
I find the kabooms overated :thumbsdown: I just doing a little contest between JVC NB-10 and AIWA CS 880...
Listening to radio21.de... just on AIR: Jumping Jack Flash...

And the AIWA goes louder, has better trebles and the bass is near equal... :breakdance: [ Image ]

The Kaboom has enjoyed tremendous praise and probably for two simple reasons.
It was by far the best boomer available for years and the bass is kind of legendary for a boomer. I agree it gets a little to much credit for what it is but it's still a great boomer for it's time.

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
Groovin' in style to the Conion C-100F I bought from LLopez back in '08.

[ Image ]

Caused quite a stir back then with an eBay seller named Real-Estate-Items (aka MikeCF100 and Beast69), who at the time was hawking an inferior first-generation Conion and was hacked off because LLopez got a better price (from me) for his Korean edition than R-E-I got for his first-generation, Japanese version.

The memories are still fresh. R-E-I emailed LLopez out of the blue with this message: "You sold a CHEAP REPRO Korean to this poor stupid sucker. Your little video doesn't proof squat! S2G members are the most dishonest sellers on ebay so don't brag about being a member...."

Yes, I was/am the "poor stupid sucker." A poor, stupid sucker who got the last laugh, because, while the Korean Conion I bought still looks, works and sounds like new, REI's Japanese box, with its
a.) tape decks that weren't working
b.) Tape 1 door that had no spring
c.) chip above the name
d.) "scuffs" and "scratches" (words from his listing)
e.) hairline cracks on the feet that he had repaired with glue
f.) static in the controls
g.) cassette storage drawer that wouldn't stay closed
h.) case screw on the back that was broken
has never been heard from again.

Fortunately, neither has Real Estate Items!

Trust me boomshaka you diddn't get wripped off like i did on a conion by

manlytronix the guy has never been heard from again, hopfully he is DEAD and i quite honestly mean that

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
ok maybe i was a bit harsh i have been on the old brew but quite honestly people have been locked up for less than he did, i sold my conion for a 50 box to ghettoman it was in that much of a state god forbid i dont wish death on anybody, i quite liked manlytronix :-/


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Along with Manleytronix, there are quite a few old S2G members who just seemed to disappear in the last two or three years. :-/ I guess they lost the desire for boomboxes? :huh:

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
Along with Manleytronix, there are quite a few old S2G members who just seemed to disappear in the last two or three years. :-/ I guess they lost the desire for boomboxes? :huh:

:agree: bobby the funnny thing is he dissapeared right after selling me his conion he did offer for me to send it back to him but i had destroyed the packing on that day long story but he could of of offered me a £200 reafund instead. as i paid £450 where he only paid aroumnd £200


Member (SA)
Along with Manleytronix, there are quite a few old S2G members who just seemed to disappear in the last two or three years. :-/ I guess they lost the desire for boomboxes? :huh:

A couple of guys that come to mind to me are Jimski, Pabaker & ErnieJade? I think they were regular posters for quite a while, but have been relatively quiet, too...

Boom Shaka Laka

Requiem Æternam
A couple of guys that come to mind to me are Jimski, Pabaker & ErnieJade? I think they were regular posters for quite a while, but have been relatively quiet, too...
:sad: Oh, the memories! It was pabaker who introduced me to you guys. I bought a boombox from him (a Panny 5250, I think) that was listed on eBay, and he actually phoned me to find out if I was a boombox fan, and, when he found out I was, he insisted that I become an S2G member. If it weren't for pabaker, I wouldn't be here today!

God bless you, pabaker, wherever you are! :sad:


Boomus Fidelis
what the hell happened to
kid sensation
rambo estrada
ned 209
haven't heard from them in a while either.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
:sad: Oh, the memories! It was pabaker who introduced me to you guys. I bought a boombox from him (a Panny 5250, I think) that was listed on eBay, and he actually phoned me to find out if I was a boombox fan, and, when he found out I was, he insisted that I become an S2G member. If it weren't for pabaker, I wouldn't be here today!

God bless you, pabaker, wherever you are! :sad:
I second that!! It was pabaker who sold me TWO boomboxes in one deal. I got the Rising 20/20 and the Yorx AKA from him back in early 2007. Haven't seen much of him since then. :-/


Methinks we're getting a tad off topic - sorry. :-P


Member (SA)
:sad: Oh, the memories! It was pabaker who introduced me to you guys. I bought a boombox from him (a Panny 5250, I think) that was listed on eBay, and he actually phoned me to find out if I was a boombox fan, and, when he found out I was, he insisted that I become an S2G member. If it weren't for pabaker, I wouldn't be here today!

God bless you, pabaker, wherever you are! :sad:
I second that!! It was pabaker who sold me TWO boomboxes in one deal. I got the Rising 20/20 and the Yorx AKA from him back in early 2007. Haven't seen much of him since then. :-/


Methinks we're getting a tad off topic - sorry. :-P
Yea, I bought my M70 from pabaker. Great guy, with lots of passion for boomer. I sent him a few CDs with DJ mixes, too.... I may have to PM him from S2G and try pointing him in this direction...

I figure we can keep chatting, as long as we don't forget to mention what box we're booming..... So, getting back onto topic...

I'm booming my GF-9696, listening to Rick James: Bustin' Out!


Member (SA)
im boomin TIK TOK by KE$HA :w00t:

home alone ..doin the mirror walk with my discolite :-)

:lol: Is Madonna comin' over?

I'm also home alone, on a boring conference call (bluetooth) while the studio soundsystem is playin in the background, I"m listening to Grandmaster Flash's THE MESSAGE and monitoring the recording onto Fatdog's copy of the tape I made last night....

Oh, this just in.... the track just changed to JAM ON IT by Newcleus.

I love multi-tasking....

Master Z

Member (SA)
Here was some of my playlist whilst digging into my GF-777z . :-D
Mantronix - We control the dice
Whodini - One love
Newcleus - Push the button
Cybotron - My Cosmic Car
AfrikaBambata - Jazzy sensation
Sprinkled with liberal doses of
Run DMC,
more Mantronix
and some Reggae from
Macka B - Legalize the herb
Musical Youth - Pass the dutchie
Sister Nancy - Bam bam
Fiji - Indigenous life
Santogold - Shove it

Very good blaster ammo that helped me cut the crud off this filthy box. :dj: