What Boombox Are You Cranking Up Right Now??


I Am Legend
next month --
i am supposed to meet a guy at the meet--
who knows a guy who knows a guy-
that might get you 15% off
:w00t: :lol:


Member (SA)
New Sanyo M7755k that I just got today in the mail...
Putting it through it's paces, testing it with some true funk-ification,
"Cosmic Slop" off of Parliament's Greatest Hits.

Damn, that Bootsy sure can FUNK.
:breakdance: :breakdance: :breakdance:


No Longer Active
Victor RC-838...


Old school Scott

Member (SA)
is that leather? could you give me one with the whole box?
Slick Rick is what's up, I was just listening to children's story today

cheers OSS :afro:


No Longer Active
Not "leather" :no: , high quality pleather! :lol:

I've gotta add his album back into my iTunes library... I haven't heard that song in a year or so.

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
The transamguy/ewen m90 after her refurbish i Dont like mondays the boomtown rats **** this box sounds good, it must be those marantz speakers :-D


No Longer Active
Same box as before, but this time playing a SOUL LOVERS classic...
Those 6" woofers put out some great bass! :cool:

Radio raheem

Requiem Æternam
m90 elo calling america

:thumbsup: :sin:
Good morning roman as you know i have been up all night trying different belts on one of my m90's :-)


No Longer Active
The HitachI Perdisco TRK-8280...

currently playing...
[youtube]s8-xF-j_fxw[/youtube] [youtube]oWnYHGroc6Y[/youtube]

[youtube]CwTTg-ZvLgo[/youtube] [youtube]aSMw4cy-A2o[/youtube]



No Longer Active
Thanks! :blush: It's funny you say that... Normally, I take multiple shots - 'cause I never feel that I got it right - and then pick the best one to post, but this time I only snapped one pic. Lucky for me, it came out great! :lol:

Boom Shaka Laka

Requiem Æternam
Groovin' in style to the Conion C-100F I bought from LLopez back in '08.


Caused quite a stir back then with an eBay seller named Real-Estate-Items (aka MikeCF100 and Beast69), who at the time was hawking an inferior first-generation Conion and was hacked off because LLopez got a better price (from me) for his Korean edition than R-E-I got for his first-generation, Japanese version.

The memories are still fresh. R-E-I emailed LLopez out of the blue with this message: "You sold a CHEAP REPRO Korean to this poor stupid sucker. Your little video doesn't proof squat! S2G members are the most dishonest sellers on ebay so don't brag about being a member...."

Yes, I was/am the "poor stupid sucker." A poor, stupid sucker who got the last laugh, because, while the Korean Conion I bought still looks, works and sounds like new, REI's Japanese box, with its
a.) tape decks that weren't working
b.) Tape 1 door that had no spring
c.) chip above the name
d.) "scuffs" and "scratches" (words from his listing)
e.) hairline cracks on the feet that he had repaired with glue
f.) static in the controls
g.) cassette storage drawer that wouldn't stay closed
h.) case screw on the back that was broken
has never been heard from again.

Fortunately, neither has Real Estate Items!