Just sittin' back, testing out my new JVC Kaboom RV-DP100 on my couch. "Killer Queen" is on the radio as I write. I wish it was "Bohemian Rhapsody," but I guess KQ is OK for now.
Box looks and functions as new, like the seller claimed. What a relief (no shipping "oops")... and what a pleasure! This stubby Kaboom really cranks! Maybe next time I'm in Canada, I'll have Gordie teach me how to use the drum pad (or I suppose I could just read the directions). Not a bad deal for $250 + $29 shipping. See here: [ebay]230446572689[/ebay]. Old Kabooms (especially NIB) are soaring in value. I think I was lucky to grab the BIN.
One issue: the rubberized coating (only on the knobs on this model; thank heavens it's not all over the woofers, like in the old days) has started to get gooey. Why did JVC use this crap, anyway?? Fortunately, the goo washes off with a wet rag. (The story of my life!) But I'm pretty sure eventually there will be more goo where that came from. There always is.
So, here's my latest stubby li'l pumper, flames (how appropriate with Queen playing, huh?) and all:
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wow, it has a built in drum machine, nicey!!!