What Boombox Are You Cranking Up Right Now??


Member (SA)
5 minutes ago, "Riding High" by Faze-O... Right now, "Spinning Around" by Main Ingredient. Almost all day tho, 70's & 80's R&B... The box of choice:

....WOW!!...that is a stunning boomer. Is that the original color? If so I wish more manufacturer's would have done different color schemes....


Member (SA)
Been cranking up the Sharp GF-777Z!!! I love this thing-very loud and it's so nice at lower volumes-rich,deep,and nice sound!
Listening to some Lakeside & the Barkays on it-how appropriate! :-P
It's almost mint! I haven't taken photos of this one yet-will do today!
Have a good one-GB. :-) :yes: :thumbsup: :surf: :choco: :breakdance:

Master Z

Member (SA)
Magnavox power player
Playing it one more time before it goes to it's new owner. :-/
It served well. better as a cool paper weight than a boombox. :-P


Staff member
Started wth he JVC PC-55 with The Time "The Walk" :thumbsup: ,

Now with the Telefunken Hi-Fi Studio 1 Thelma Houston "You Used To Hold Me So Tight" :-D


Staff member
Sharp GX-300H Evelyn "Champagne" King "Betcha She Don't Love You"

Pioneer CK-5F Najee "Betcha Don't Know What's Goin' On"

And now...

National/Panasonic RX-C300 Atlantic Starr "When Love Calls" :thumbsup:

Master Z

Member (SA)
Nice selection Oldie and Melly mel!

I just picked up a copy of "The Time" on tape at the Gdub for .50 cents. I love the Time!
I'm also a fan of Najee, I remember having a single of his, about "being laid back in a cadilac, smokin' on a fat sack." Thats what I call some smooth ass jazz.! :cool:

And how can you not love Earth Wind and Fire??? :huh: Classic.

Right now I'm not booming anything but I do have some jazz playing at the office through the Altec Lansing 2.1.


Member (SA)
Nice selection Oldie and Melly mel!

I just picked up a copy of "The Time" on tape at the Gdub for .50 cents. I love the Time!
I'm also a fan of Najee, I remember having a single of his, about "being laid back in a cadilac, smokin' on a fat sack." Thats what I call some smooth ass jazz.! :cool:

And how can you not love Earth Wind and Fire??? :huh: Classic.

Right now I'm not booming anything but I do have some jazz playing at the office through the Altec Lansing 2.1.
...you can't go wrong with the Time...I'm gonna borrow your idea and jam Get It Up....


Staff member
Thanks for selection comments! Now pushing the Sanyo C-9 (Affectionately known by Sunshine Mix members as "The Pitbull") Royal Cash Crew "Let's Jam, Radioactive". :thumbsup: