Was a Lasonic 920T for $152 total was a good price?

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Member (SA)
Won on Ebay, $120.50+$32 shipping
Not sure what others think, but that seems like a darn good price.... to me at least. Here's what I'm feeling...

A: I have a 920, and I LOVE it. Something about that model doesn't feel so 'Lasonic' to me compared to the 'big to be big' cheap black plastic other models. Feels more sturdy/real, I feel it sounds real sharp, and it's 'portability' for actual usage is even better than an M70 for me (cause M70 is even more heavy/sturdy), with no lack of volume for the basketball court of deck gathering.
B: Never even seen a 920T before, so it's the shiny new toy to me. White woofers and red tweeters, you kidding me? NICCEEEEE :) (isn't that another random variation in these) Wonder why the 920T doesn't have the metal tape guard rail thing like the 920. I like that 'brush guard' look.
C: Condition looks to be pretty nice. Ant looks great, battery cover/case great, BOTH TAPES WORK (yeah no belt work)
D: It somehow doesn't appear to have ANY of the 'Lasonic discoloration' on the back.
E: It's missing the treble button that I can mold/print and replace easily. Treble is overrated anyway, turn up the bass and call it good. :)
F: Only downside to me is that it does have the 'Lasonic busted band/function knob' issue like a lot of Lasonics. If it's stuck on FM, it's fine for me anyways.
G: I won the auction via phone while boating on Lake Minnetonka in 90+ degree weather on Sept 1 in Minnesota. I true rarity. (see last photo)

Am I crazy for thinking that $152 was a good deal? Here's some pics...









Well-Known Member
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Very good :yes:

The problem is the function switch :-/

I was bidding on that too, but was sleeping at the end....

Ira owns the black 920 T



Boomus Fidelis
It's a real nice box and I wish I could find a clean 100% one, but it's rare. The issue with the function and band switches s- ck :thumbsdown: I had a bad switch on my 1st 920 and it took me buying 2 more to get a complete working and beautiful unit. :thumbsup: good luck and congrats, its still a great buy ;-)

Lasonic TRC-920

I think that's a good price!

The radio looks good, the switch can be fixed and many people put in REAL tweeters. I have never owned one of these, but it's on the list!

That;s Black one of Ira's :drool: :drool: :drool:

Nice find....the 920's from Lasonic are the best radio's they ever made IMHO.


Member (SA)
It says 'mic' right under them so how is that a fake speaker? Just like the reg 920 that says 'condenser mic', they are just (possibly overdecorated) chromed out mic's. I'd call em fake if they were round and speaker looking with nothing functional behind it. These are rectangles that are labeled what they are. The M70 tweeters and lil mic grilles are about the same, just not as chromed, larger or are 'flashy'. But hey, it's Lasonic, what ya expect but shiny plastic from 'parts unknown' like a 80's WWF wrestler.

The seller said that the BAND knob is spinning free (AKA LASONIC'd), the FUNCTION knob is working. I'm a lot better having a busted BAND knob vs a FUNCTION knob. Of course I don't listen to SW, I now don't listen to AM as my sports talk station moved to FM, so I'll just set it on FM (even if manual from the inside like I did a 931), and be fine with it. I can still use TAPE/RADIO/AUX as the FUNCTION knob wasn't stated to be broken. Of course this is all assuming the seller was honest about it all.


Well-Known Member
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Hmmmm - I guess there wouldn't be fake tweets then. You can clearly see the red tweeters in there. :hmmm:


Member (SA)
Oh, you thought the red tweeters were the fake ones? I sure didn't think they were, but you had me questioning it and I gave my 920 a listen. They sure are working for me. Not sure I realized that the reg 920 had red tweeters as the chrome/grills are covering them so much. I love that the 920T has them more exposed.

They switched from 2 ant's on the 920 to 1 ant on the 920T, and no tuner light on the 920T from what I see (no switch at least). Added the Conion 126 like silly flow chart graphic on the Deck B. Boy, Lasonic you sure like versioning. And are those lights around the balance knob on 920T or something else odd? Cause everyone loves to change the balance on a boombox where the speakers are 8 inches away from each other. Really how many people hooked a boom box up to ext speakers in the house.

Still can't believe how that 920 sounds. Hadn't turned it up for a bit, and man it just seems so sharp and loud, so much you'd think it was a different manufacture that just slapped Lasonic on it. :)


Well-Known Member
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I was thinking the outer most grills were the fake tweets, wasn't thinking the red ones were fake :dunce: .


Well-Known Member
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The Lasonic TRC-920T has fake tweeters. The "tweeters" in the case aren't even real tweeters that are simply not hooked up. The "T" is the designator for fake tweeters. ;-)


Well-Known Member
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Sooooo, the exposed red tweets on the 920T are not speakers at all? :huh: Or, real tweets just not hooked up? :huh: Is it just red paper with a chrome dust cap attached to it? :huh:


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blu_fuz said:
Sooooo, the exposed red tweets on the 920T are not speakers at all? :huh: Or, real tweets just not hooked up? :huh:
Nope, complete and utter fakes. Here is what they look like on the inside:



Member (SA)
For real, what the F? So they are real in the 920, but then they are fake in the 920T?

They add a 2nd tape deck and all those other differences, and remove speakers and have fake ones instead? Can someone track down the head of Lasonic in the 80's to just hear where their head was at with some of their craziness?

Here's my 920 with actual 100% non-fake tweeter. unless it's a fake magnet, wiring and everything, which I wouldn't put past Lasonic I guess. Can't wait to see the 920T fake ones if that is indeed the case.



Boomus Fidelis
Lasonic has always tried cutting corners, but look at Sharp from GF777 to GF767 :-O :hmmm: Dont get me wrong I love my 767 and Lasonics but the company's were trying to save money :thumbsdown:


Well-Known Member
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I might still have the red tweets from my 922 if you are interested.... I will have to look.


Member (SA)
Interesting, so you have a 922 parts box? Looking at my 922, those guys look real small, but maybe they are the same. Once again it's Lasonic so I wouldn't assume anything.

But... if you got em, I very well may be interested. What's better though? a 920T with the novelty fake speakers that are pretty damn funny, or something at actually sounds better. If ya find em and want to sell, tell me your price.


Member (SA)
Even whit fake tweeters is a cool box on right price. Looks like the black one have just one LED pattern and this one have double :hmmm: ? Strange why they put so much effort to make so nice looking fake tweeters. Dont think the difference in the price should be so big :hmmm: .
Congrats on the good buy and the great place from which you ordered it (thanks for the last picture).
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