Was a Lasonic 920T for $152 total was a good price?

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I Am Legend
imho -- 152 was a great deal -
those are extreme rare --like maybe 10 times as rare as the 920 -
(which also seem rare these days :-) )

i thought it would jump up to 250 :hmmm: :-D


Member (SA)
I think $150 is an awesome price.

I'd have been happy paying double that for a kick arse Lasonic like that one.

Good score!!

Rock On.


Boomus Fidelis
m40dotcom said:
For real, what the F? So they are real in the 920, but then they are fake in the 920T?

They add a 2nd tape deck and all those other differences, and remove speakers and have fake ones instead? Can someone track down the head of Lasonic in the 80's to just hear where their head was at with some of their craziness?

Here's my 920 with actual 100% non-fake tweeter. unless it's a fake magnet, wiring and everything, which I wouldn't put past Lasonic I guess. Can't wait to see the 920T fake ones if that is indeed the case.

[ Image ]

they are real ,the last 3 trc 920's i had the tweeters were real.


Boomus Fidelis
JVC Floyd said:
m40dotcom said:
For real, what the F? So they are real in the 920, but then they are fake in the 920T?

They add a 2nd tape deck and all those other differences, and remove speakers and have fake ones instead? Can someone track down the head of Lasonic in the 80's to just hear where their head was at with some of their craziness?

Here's my 920 with actual 100% non-fake tweeter. unless it's a fake magnet, wiring and everything, which I wouldn't put past Lasonic I guess. Can't wait to see the 920T fake ones if that is indeed the case.

[ Image ]

they are real ,the last 3 trc 920's i had the tweeters were real.

My understanding was simply that the 920's had real tweeters and the 920-"T" model had the fake tweeters. I'd still gladly take either model especially knowing that real tweeters can be grafted in to the "T" model. :yes:


Boomus Fidelis
JVC Floyd said:
m40dotcom said:
For real, what the F? So they are real in the 920, but then they are fake in the 920T?

They add a 2nd tape deck and all those other differences, and remove speakers and have fake ones instead? Can someone track down the head of Lasonic in the 80's to just hear where their head was at with some of their craziness?

Here's my 920 with actual 100% non-fake tweeter. unless it's a fake magnet, wiring and everything, which I wouldn't put past Lasonic I guess. Can't wait to see the 920T fake ones if that is indeed the case.

[ Image ]

they are real ,the last 3 trc 920's i had the tweeters were real.
:agree: the three that I owned were all the same with tweeters :yes:


Member (SA)
It's a good looking radio. I was watching it (eBay) just out of curiousity. The price is fair too. But, I must say that fake speakers irritate me. Just like fake hood scoops on cars. Why bother? :annoyed:


Member (SA)
You can't make it up, I just got the 920T in today. Looking great, barley a scratch on it, packed nice, antenna is OG and like new, not a sign of the normal Lasonic discoloration, and maybe more shocking than all that, it had REAL RED TWEETERS! I turned it up, jammed my ear next to the red tweeters, and I could swear I heard them loud and clear, but of course the first thing I had to do was open it up and end this puzzling issue. Well, they are real, the are just like the 920 from what I'm seeing.

Proof is in the picture. tweeters are there and wired up.

Barely dust on this bad boy, just gotta find or make a new treble knob. (anyone got one knob around? they're slightly bigger than the 931, damn)

Oh my, a like new Lasonic gray rear case, no discoloration at all, yellow streaks or anything, and original antenna

Never had a box come with 'extra' serial number stickers. They had em in the battery case. Pretty cool


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Man that is awesome! Very good looking box there :yes: - real tweets too, eat that IRA! hahaha


Boomus Fidelis
Awesome it's got the tweeters. :thumbsup:
So I wonder where the dividing line is for the fake tweeters in the 920 model run. :hmmm: I was always under the impression from descriptions I heard that the 920 T models all had fake tweeters. Either way you have a great box and for a very reasonable price, congrats. :yes:


Member (SA)
Who knows with Lasonic, if it varies by which plant happened to make them, or if the black 920T has fakes, but others have real ones. Couple other things I see different is that the input/output panel one the side. The 920 I have has ext speakers, mic jacks, phone in, line in, line out, headphones and all. The 920T ONLY has phono in and headphones. Just so weird. Must be why there's all that open space on the circuit board in that pic above. And the 920T has 1 lant, the 920 has 2. 920T has the more standard lasonic tape keys, not the nicer ones and key guard on the 920. But of course the 920T has the 2nd deck, and related output LEDs. One funky thing on the 920T LEDs is that they are horz and stacked, but they go in opposite directions. Not sure I've seen that before.

weird weird weird lasonic.

OK, so who's got access to that 3D printer I can borrow for a couple knobs and misc parts for a few boxes? Are there places that offer 3D printing and charge per use or size or whatever? Otherwise I'll hit the hobby shop and get my mold on.


I Am Legend
blu_fuz said:
Man that is awesome! Very good looking box there :yes: - real tweets too, eat that IRA! hahaha

my tweets will not be fake for very long :-P :yes: :yes: :thumbsup:

and hey--nice going on your grey 920T :drool: :drool:
your 152 looks like a $$$Steal now :-D

Lasonic TRC-920

That is the cleanest rear panel I have ever seen on one of these radios. Like it was never used! Great score. I hope to add a 920T to the line up one day. But I don't need one that clean because I would only F$%^ it up anyways! :lol: :lol: :lol: :-/ :nonono:

As for tweeters and no tweeters, I can only assume that Lasonic, in an effort to stay in business and keep up with the Big Boys (Sony, Panasonic, JVC) probably eliminated the tweeters halfway through the 920T production run to save money.

I would love to go back to the Lasonic factory and see if I could talk to the Son's father. He was the man that was running the company during this time period and he still lives in Southern California. Lasonic is a 3 generation family business started by the grandfather in the 1960's as a small appliance company in Taiwan. After the family moved to Southern California it was named Lasonic by the father in the late 1970's. I was told by the son that they moved to Los Angeles, so they named the company LASONIC as a mash-up of LA (Los Angeles) and SONIC (taken from Panasonic).

My father and I ran an electronics company for 13 years together and I have to tell you, the cost of design and manufacturing and bringing a product to market is harder than one might think. And starting a company from scratch and bringing products into an already crowded market like Lasonic did is almost impossible. Yet they did it!

After meeting the grandson of the man who started Lasonic and hearing some of his story, I have wanted to know more. Lasonic was and still is a small family business. I know allot of people rag on Lasonic for their quality and "all over the place" production runs, but after running a company with my father and truly understanding what it takes to be competitive and stay in business, I have nothing but respect for the family that still runs Lasonic today.

The fact that the Lasonic name is still relevant in vintage boombox circles this many years later AND it's right next to the BIG NAMES in electronics like JVC and Panasonic say's volumes about what they were able to achieve even as a small company. During the 1980's many companies came in, built portable radios and they were gone, hell Conion is one of them! But Lasonic is still here as the REAL face and spirit of the traditional BOOMBOX! I have nothing but respect for them :yes:

Anyway, nice TRC-920T :thumbsup:


Boomus Fidelis
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
Lasonic is still here as the REAL face and spirit of the traditional BOOMBOX! I have nothing but respect for them :yes:

Chris I couldn't agree more even if I've trashed them here and there over the years, still glad they're with us. :yes:


Member (SA)
Love the backstory bout them. Cool stuff. Wonder if the family house is black with real shiny chromed out window trim and bars across them, gray garage with some rotting wood in the back, maybe a fake red brick chimney and a ton of crazy ass lights and mirrors all over the place. Of course the front door handle is always breaking and spins 360 freely without actually doing anything.

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