baddboybill said:
Love the story Chris and you know

I always defended Lasonic, even when they owed me money, I still had respect for the company along with there many produced boomboxes over the years. I own 10 and for good reasons. I just wish I could be so lucky as to tour Lasonic corporation in California

Nice right up Chris
Hey Bill, I know your always flying the Lasonic flag high and if you ever come out to Cali, I'll see if we can go to the factory again!
I am seriously thinking of calling up James to ask if I can do an interview with the Father who ran Lasonic in the 80's! I wonder if he would go for it? It would be awesome to know the whole story.
Of course, I want you to know, from me to day....I'm going to have more Lasonic's than you!

I'm up to seven!


fftopic: Sorry for high jacking this thread!