Project M90...more pics added

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Member (SA)
mellymelsr said:
Jovie said:
Better than original with the metallic IMO! Can you explain your materials and painting techniques.I'd like to get into that but I need a little guidance.My only experience painting was plastic models as a kid and I was horrible! :blush:

I will send you a pm describing my technique...

Hey Melly, once again, awesome job. :thumbsup: You're an inspiration to us all. I was wondering if you still had a copy of the PM you were going to send and if so would you be able to forward it to me?? I've got a couple of boxes I'd like to restore but wouldn't know where to start. Thanks for the pics :-D :-D :-D


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mellymelsr said:
ford93 said:
Kinda late of me chiming in but you have done a terrific job on that M90 Mel.

Monchito please do something with your beater M90!

Mono mentioned the color silver, I can only imagine how an M90 would look in that color. :hmmm:

Thanks Ford...I plan on getting another M90 and doing her up in a silver pearl... :-D

That's what I'm talkin' about! :thumbsup: :cool:


Member (SA)
WOW! My M90 works 100%, but only looks about 70% that good! I need to clean her up like that! Great job!


Member (SA)
can't wait for the day when I have one myself. That thing is truly beautiful. I really like the JVCs, just never found the right one at the right time. Still have some Panasonics I want first though.
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