Got My Book Today...

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Member (SA)
I bought my copy while on vacation in London. As soon as I got back home I found a nice Magnavox D8443 on ebay - it's now on it's way from the US. :breakdance:


Member (SA)
I bought my copy while on vacation in London. As soon as I got back home I found a nice Magnavox D8443 on ebay - it's now on it's way from the US. :breakdance:

Congratzzz with the US Philips Mattio and welcome on board! :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
got it very nice book, i luv it :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:



Member (SA)
Got mine for my Birthday this past September

First we were st the local used record/CD shop and I saw it....I said to my wife "I have to have this" she said not tonight

two weeks later we're back at the shop and the book was gone... I said don't worry we can always get it on Amazon

then on my birthday sure enough she had gotten it for me :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
I looked into buying some of the boombox shots from the book...prints are selling for a whopping $750 apiece. I hope whoever let him shoot their boomboxes is getting a cut... :-D

hell, i'm a professional photographer so if anyone wants a pro photo and a nice big print of their box I can do it for a fraction of that price :O

I was actually going to post about that book, asking if it was worth buying, but from everyone on here I guess it is worth it

wow i never knew so man boomboxery guys made their way into the book- that's awesome

going to pick up this book tomorrow for sure


Member (SA)
I'm not sure it should post this here, but look what video I found this days:



Member (SA)
just been given a copy of it from my good friend d8614ss-had a quick cursory glance through it to start with-and it looks like its going to be fascinating reading :thumbsup: i was only 5 in 1982 when boxes really started to make their way into the mainstream lives of so many people,and my memories of seeing guys shouldering these bohemouths is sadly limited due to my tender age,but i do remember the days-and now ill have a visual documentation of it for my enjoyment forever-great work Lyle Owerko and spike like-have owned many of the top boxes in those pages and still have a couple now,a great,great book.....if you havent got yours,get it NOW!!!!! :yes: YOU WILL NOT BE DISAPPOINTED!!!!! :superduper:


Member (SA)
I can't wait to get my book, I'm new here too just just wanted to say hello and pretty excited to be a part of all of this. I just wish I kept all my old boxes from when I was a kid, I'd have a pretty sweet collection if I did.
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