GF-777 Custom Project!

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Member (SA)
Gluecifer said:
Thanks guys!

Just realised you can't see the numbers on the VUs, so took a new one. Front on it looks exactly
like it does on the original.. the camera makes it hard to see it due to how far it's recessed in.


Rock On.
Wow just saw this! :w00t:

Rick that is... bitchin' :jawdrop:

Can't wait for the reveal!



Lasonic TRC-920

Every time I think the limits of customization have been reached something comes along that lays everything to waste.

Rick, you have raise the bar to the stratosphere!

Simply incredible.


Member (SA)
:drool: :drool: :drool: :drool:
I have 20 € to much, from my pinch rollers,
can you paint my 777 like yours please ? (for 20 € :-) )

Great work and i like the replaced speakers.


Member (SA)
Finally got back to continuing this project and we're in the last phase!

I hit a bit of a snag when I was getting all the controls sorted out that need to be printed as stickers.
After doing 3 test fits they still weren't right and it was doing my head in so other distractions have taken my
attention away from this custom. But with renewed inspiration coming from some recent interest on Facebook it's got me back on track and rockin it again. The final test fit for the functions was done this past week and the patience has paid off.
Will be contacting a local printer during the week to bang them out. I've decided the text will be a medium gray so it can be read over the yellow, pink, white and black. There are a few other nuances of colour I'll have in there too.

But for now, man I'm happy things finallllllly line up as they should!! Doing this by eye and measurement in Publisher is arduous but the results should pay off once printed.



And Alfie: I've not forgotten!.. I'm just a bit slow!

Rock On.


Member (SA)
I love this box so much. It's perfect in every way! I'm excited to see these decals get put on for the dials. :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Gluecifer said:
Time for some new pix!
I had a bit of trouble getting all the tuner graphics to a stage I was happy with, but after today's trials I'm 100% happy with them.

P7201420 L.JPG
P7201420 3F.JPG

The radio is essentially done now until all the function stickers are printed, which will be in the next few weeks. I'll save a proper photo shoot til when she's 100% for a full unveiling.

Rock On.
Nice!...nice details :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
And it is DONE! More than 2 years after beginning the journey, the Alfa-7 has arrived!!
It was quite a pain getting printer to commit to doing the job, but I found a local guy who's ultra reliable and really wanting to do more so I'll be embarking on a new customising mission soon now that this is complete.

I think the photos say it better than I can. And many, many thanks to Alfie for providing me with this radio, I've not forgotten!


Rock On.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
That really turned out SHARP brother!!!! Great job sticking with the project all the way through.
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