Everybody read this please and comment.

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Member (SA)
I was not posting much on the other site of late.Never had any problems there with mods.However you could feel the constant pressure of a big brother State.On the other hand Bobby was a class act from the second he came to s2go and helped most members there, be it with kind words of support,extra loaded music DVD'S,stickers,manuals. etc...I say Whether or not we still visit the other site is a personal choice for all to make I still visit and peruse through the titles on the different message boards and if I see something from a member I know, I log in and read.However,supporting this site is a no brainer as evidenced by the amount of members coming over, I believe out of sheer support and gratitude to a great guy and fellow boombox brother!All the Best to this site.May the years be many, the members plenty...may the new smell never fade may our boombox love never wane.


Well-Known Member
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gf9696 said:
May the years be many, the members plenty...may the new smell never fade may our boombox love never wane.
No... I'm _not_ crying. I just have something in my eye. ;-)


Member (SA)
I am extremely happy that this getting fixed, Fatdog is vey kind to provide us with this great site, And Jen is a great person, So hope everything is going to be alright :-D .
Peace my friends :-D .


Member (SA)
well, if Jens & Tim are all square again, then one of the primary reasons for Boomboxery has been achieved, so congrats to Fatdog :-)
Now there's loads of us here now, of course...

To answer the original question, i'll be keeping up (as much as I ever do) with both sites.

I have the utmost respect for Jens & all his efforts with the BBDB & S2G.
I wonder what the future holds for Boomboxery & S2G.
Right now this site seems more popular, but S2G has all the internet history, links, etc. which counts for loads. You Google boomboxes etc. & you'll find S2G way before you stumble upon this place.

ah well... in the words of the song "Only Time Will Tell"


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isolator42 said:
You Google boomboxes etc. & you'll find S2G way before you stumble upon this place.
But if you google "boomboxery", we're first! :thumbsup: :sin:


I Am Legend
i have been there alot in order to use the membership directory to tell many
old friends
that we all have this new terrific site --
and to also join us here :-)


Well-Known Member
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My IP address has been unbanned at S2G, but apparently PF is still too scared to reactivate my account. :lol: :lol:


I Am Legend
hey bobby -- no worries ---

want me to use my great influence with sicko pf -
to get you back IN ????
:afro: :surf: :sin: :choco: :rock: :dj: :beer2: :police: :judge: :clap: :lol: :w00t:


Well-Known Member
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The ONLY reason I would want back in is to get some info out of my PM box. I'm not gonna sweat it, although I don't like feeling I'm exploited. He's using my suspended account to keep his ego over-inflated (like he needs the help). :thumbsdown: :-/


I Am Legend
well --i guess you dont want to ask --yet --

but our OWN FRIEND and boomboxery member , jens-
just might grant you that momentary privilege --
to jump back in for a PM check .

ya think ?? :-) :-D

its hard to believe that I am still in --and that you are out !!!! :-D :lol: :w00t:


Member (SA)
I also had no idea the FD was banned from s2go..thats a shocker to me..

As for getting this site noticed on a google search,alot of people type Ghetto blaster - Boombox - Sharp GF ect,if you could sneek that in to the link some how,that will direct new members straight to this site..


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Thanks for the tip, Ghettoman. I had a lot in the metatags, but I've added conion, ghetto blaster (2 words), and sharp gf.
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