Everybody read this please and comment.

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Member (SA)
I'd like to have his database but it's kind of expensive, maybe we could chip in for it and make copies or something, unless you'll don't think that would be right??


Boomus Fidelis
Maybe i´m to short at the other forum to understand what had happened.... :'-(

The only thing i can say:
I´m not at a forum about the FORUM , i´m there about the MEMBERS!
I don´t want to miss any one of you.
So i think i will be here now the most time, but also otherwise. :blush:


Boomus Fidelis
redbenjoe said:
tony -- imho --we should not make copies of the bbdb --

:agree: Tempting yes but it's still wrong. No matter what any of our feelings are towards Jens, S2G or any of the mods that's still wrong.


Member (SA)
i agree RE: not making copies of the bbdb,but tony is correct it is expensive,$100 for it,is fair considering the amt of work,jens did,and it's value as a resource tool,but for some myself inmcl,we just don't have the $$$ now :sad:

r o y a l ®

Member (SA)
I'll just be posting here from now on . . Nothing real bad against S2go . . But I really don't like 2 of the mods that much (no prizes for guessing) . . Although I will check there from time to time . . . .But posting wise , just here for me from now on.


Member (SA)
jaredscottfla said:
i agree RE: not making copies of the bbdb,but tony is correct it is expensive,$100 for it,is fair considering the amt of work,jens did,and it's value as a resource tool,but for some myself inmcl,we just don't have the $$$ now :sad:

then perhaps we can get a thread going here were we have a online data base.
it might take a bit of work but i am sure it could be done.
yes it would take a while for it to get going but it could be possible.


Member (SA)
I didn't think it would be right to make copies, it was just a thought. I mean chipping in for a copy of the database would be ok, but where would the one copy go? Unless someone just bought a copy of it and used it as a reference for whenever someone wanted info on a particular box??


Member (SA)
All my boombox friends are here so why waste my time contributing anywhere else.
My personal preference but I wont be posting at s2g as long as everyone is here.


Member (SA)
Looks like this is the place to be without a doubt - such a relaxed atmosphere rather than a stifled one, I think it will encourage more members to contribute and feel welcome rather than nervous about posting opinions/questions etc..

I'll check the other regularly but posting will tend to be confined mainly to here :-)


Member (SA)
I'll still visit both. I have too much time and effort involved with the other site to give it up entirely.

PF's responses to my posts during that whole "Where is Ira" thread and the massive "Replace Moderator" PM seemed to emphasize that he did not have a problem with me. Just because he wasn't picking on me did not mean I liked or approved of the way he was treating others. And while PanFan didn't have a problem with me before, I'm sure he'll have one now and I've got a bit of a target painted on my chest, so to speak. So..., you can believe my posts will be light and fluffy, only when I have something significant to add.

I still can't believe how he called me a lair, and when I proved him wrong and suggested he do a self-analysis as to why so many people turned on him, his answer was to simply delete EVERYTHING without another word said! Pathetic and yet somehow predictable... Anyway, if he "really" cared about S2G so much, he'd see what his actions have done to the place and he'd voluntarily step down as a moderator. Instead, he cares more about his pride and his status.

Like I said, I'll still go there. But it won't be part of my daily routine like it used to be...
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