Well it's not over yet guys.
eBay ruled in my favor and instructed me to ship the item back. They also said they would issue the refund after the seller signed for the package. I immediately received another crazy vicious email from the seller stating she would refuse the shipment. All but one of her bizarre tirade emails was sent through eBay so they have full record of her behavior. I emailed eBay asking for another method to get the refund since the seller stated in an email she would refuse the shipment and pointed them back to the threating, vicous tirade emails she sent through eBay. I'll be curious to see what eBay's response will be.
Oh and without any contact at all she initiated a UPS pick up of the boombox, I wasn't home during all three attempts to pick it up. I wouldn't have handed it over anyway since I would lose all leverage and rights to everything, I wouldn't have the boombox or my money the seller would have had both.
I'm going to post all the sellers letters for you guys to see when this is over.

eBay ruled in my favor and instructed me to ship the item back. They also said they would issue the refund after the seller signed for the package. I immediately received another crazy vicious email from the seller stating she would refuse the shipment. All but one of her bizarre tirade emails was sent through eBay so they have full record of her behavior. I emailed eBay asking for another method to get the refund since the seller stated in an email she would refuse the shipment and pointed them back to the threating, vicous tirade emails she sent through eBay. I'll be curious to see what eBay's response will be.
Oh and without any contact at all she initiated a UPS pick up of the boombox, I wasn't home during all three attempts to pick it up. I wouldn't have handed it over anyway since I would lose all leverage and rights to everything, I wouldn't have the boombox or my money the seller would have had both.

I'm going to post all the sellers letters for you guys to see when this is over.