10,000 ! ! !

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Lasonic TRC-920

Wow, it seems like it was only yesterday when I was a kid with a full head of hair and on a single mission.


That mission and everything that goes with it showed me that GIRLS like music, but my only radio was plugged into the wall in my bedroom and had one little speaker. It also belonged to my mom and although she is a girl...not quite what I was looking for at the time (Love you mom and happy birthday).

No, girls...sadly enough were in my bedroom, they were out in the street listening to that "OTHER BOYS" music and dancing and smiling and paying attention to the boy with the radio.

YES...there was only one solution to this dilemma. I had to acquire a far more powerful & portable music delivery system and sway the girls attention away from that boy and ALL other boys!

So, I worked hard, saved up enough money and found the proper system, one with enough power, features and bling, to get the girls dancing and smiling for me, MINE ALL MINE!

Oh Lasonic TRC-920, you did me right all these years...still putting a smile on my face :-D

Some of my earliest posts...

Still fun to have a look back:

Back When You Blasted

Should this radio live or Die?

An 80's Story, Remembering my 920

It seems as though we are in the 3rd phase here at Boomboxery. Many of the OG crew that split away from S2G and built this site have faded away. I consider myself to be in the 2nd wave and now the site is teaming with fresh members with new exciting interest. :clap:

Thank you to everyone here...it's been a blast (excuse the pun). I couldn't have acquired, repaired or maintained this collection of dreams without you.

And now I am in the super exclusive 10,000 club. Damn. Hard to believe.

When I first joined up here it was very intimidating, but I was welcomed in with open cassette decks. I sure hope that mentality holds true through the next generation of members and collectors!




Boomus Fidelis
things i love about the lasonic trc 920.
1.awesome dude .
2 awesome box.

can't lose either way.

rock on.


Member (SA)
Seems like just yesterday you were blasting that pos with your shotgun, Chris. Here's to blasting out another 10,000 posts!

Way to go, Compadre!


Member (SA)
Crazy man,your a busy productive valued member Chris,way to go,your getting closer to Ira territory!!!(lol) :)

Hi Chris,no,not at all!:) I'm just stating that Ira is definately the post king here,so you are approaching in his territory of post count!! :)
Heck I'm much closer to him in age than you!!!(lol)


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
Wow, it seems like it was only yesterday when I was a kid with a full head of hair and on a single mission.


That mission and everything that goes with it showed me that GIRLS like music, but my only radio was plugged into the wall in my bedroom and had one little speaker. It also belonged to my mom and although she is a girl...not quite what I was looking for at the time (Love you mom and happy birthday).

No, girls...sadly enough were in my bedroom, they were out in the street listening to that "OTHER BOYS" music and dancing and smiling and paying attention to the boy with the radio.

YES...there was only one solution to this dilemma. I had to acquire a far more powerful & portable music delivery system and sway the girls attention away from that boy and ALL other boys!

So, I worked hard, saved up enough money and found the proper system, one with enough power, features and bling, to get the girls dancing and smiling for me, MINE ALL MINE!

Oh Lasonic TRC-920, you did me right all these years...still putting a smile on my face :-D

Some of my earliest posts...

Still fun to have a look back:

Back When You Blasted

Should this radio live or Die?

An 80's Story, Remembering my 920

It seems as though we are in the 3rd phase here at Boomboxery. Many of the OG crew that split away from S2G and built this site have faded away. I consider myself to be in the 2nd wave and now the site is teaming with fresh members with new exciting interest. :clap:

Thank you to everyone here...it's been a blast (excuse the pun). I couldn't have acquired, repaired or maintained this collection of dreams without you.

And now I am in the super exclusive 10,000 club. Damn. Hard to believe.

When I first joined up here it was very intimidating, but I was welcomed in with open cassette decks. I sure hope that mentality holds true through the next generation of members and collectors!



As am I am a new member (seeing that I just joined last year) - this was a very refreshing post and I look forward to building with you boxheads in the future!!


Member (SA)
Good on you brother :thumbsup: . I'm one of the lucky ones that have had the chance to meet, and hang out with you at your house...you are what all collectors and humans should be :rock: What i like about the West Coast Boomboxery brothers...is that there is NO drama from you guys...you all do meets, and hang out together and are all friends...i don't have that where i'm from...i'm surrounded by weirdos/sociopaths and liars...none of which i wish to associate myself with :lol:

I'm glad you are here Chris, Boomboxery wouldn't be the same without you...and i'm looking forward to coming back to LA this year to see you, Boomboxery member SLO and hopefully a few other members :-D

Lasonic TRC-920

JVC Floyd said:
things i love about the lasonic trc 920.
1.awesome dude .
2 awesome box.

can't lose either way.

rock on.
Thanks Floyd, the radio GREAT, the guy mehhh :-/ :lol: :lol:

blu_fuz said:
10k, what a looser!
Oh, we will see you up here in the 10k clouds very soon! :yes: :-D (Way to spell loser btw :lol: )

Kenpat said:
Seems like just yesterday you were blasting that pos with your shotgun, Chris. Here's to blasting out another 10,000 posts!

Way to go, Compadre!
Thanks Brother...10,000, it will only take me 5 more years :w00t: :lol: :cool:

JustCruisin said:
Thanks JC :blink: :lol:

Ghettoboom767 said:
Crazy man,your a busy productive valued member Chris,way to go,your getting closer to Ira territory!!!(lol) :)
Ira territory? Is that some swipe at my age :huh: :thumbsdown: :lol: :lol: :lol:
8,000 more posts to go to catch him!

Lasonic TRC-920

static2000g said:
As am I am a new member (seeing that I just joined last year) - this was a very refreshing post and I look forward to building with you boxheads in the future!!
Your a great addition to the family S2000g, we need positive members like you that love the hobby to keep it going for the next gen and the next after that!

gsbadbmr said:
Good on you brother . I'm one of the lucky ones that have had the chance to meet, and hang out with you at your house...you are what all collectors and humans should be What i like about the West Coast Boomboxery brothers...is that there is NO drama from you guys...you all do meets, and hang out together and are all friends...i don't have that where i'm from...i'm surrounded by weirdos/sociopaths and liars...none of which i wish to associate myself with

I'm glad you are here Chris, Boomboxery wouldn't be the same without you...and i'm looking forward to coming back to LA this year to see you, Boomboxery member SLO and hopefully a few other members
G, you are from the old guard. Part of the founding fathers of Boomboxery and before. Everything I know about Blasters, kindness and website courtesy came from you, Fatdog, OldSkool, RedBenJoe, -GZ-, TheFuzz, Hemiguy, Blu_Fuz, BBB, GhettoBoom767, Skippy JVC Floyd, Glucifer, Superduper and all the rest of the original cast of characters that make up this site.

CHEERS to the old crew and Crews to the new! :beer2:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
Oh, we will see you up here in the 10k clouds very soon! :yes: :-D (Way to spell loser btw :lol: )

I was dragging out the sound just needed to pop another 'o' in there loooooooser! hahahahaha. I'm not going to post anymore because I don't want to be associated with 'your' crowd. :lol:


Member (SA)
Just finished reading that story about your school day, awesome post! I just got here and im always looking forward for your posts. Keep it up! :chris920:


Member (SA)
There are MANY fallen boombox collector soldiers lost throughout the years...BUT i'm really liking all the "newer" Boomboxery members here...they seem AMAZING, positive...and friendly...so props to all of you new guys :thumbsup:

I'm 10+ years deep in this hobby...i've closed my accounts numerous times...who knows how many posts i would have had in total...probably still nowhere near Chris's 10 000 posts...you POST WHOOOORE :lol:


I Am Legend
i have read // re-read and studied all 10,000 of your valued posts -
and i must say you have earned hall-of-fame status around here -
and elsewhere in life

:bow: :rock: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :hooray: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:


Member (SA)
Wow 10,000!! Congrats my friend, It's been great shooting the **** with ya man, and also good to meet you at the last function. Your YouTube videos have been enjoyed by so many, including myself, us new guys really learn alot from you OG's, and I absorb it like a sponge. I'm still very new to the game, but it's been a blast so far meeting a bunch of you members, some in person, some just from messaging and phone, but everyone I've met from here are all TOP NOTCH PEOPLE. It can only get better from here Chris, keep doin what you do man! I hope us newbies can bring more to the table in the future, as so many of you guys have done in the past and present!


Member (SA)
gsbadbmr said:
Good on you brother :thumbsup: . I'm one of the lucky ones that have had the chance to meet, and hang out with you at your house...you are what all collectors and humans should be :rock: What i like about the West Coast Boomboxery brothers...is that there is NO drama from you guys...you all do meets, and hang out together and are all friends...i don't have that where i'm from...i'm surrounded by weirdos/sociopaths and liars...none of which i wish to associate myself with :lol:

I'm glad you are here Chris, Boomboxery wouldn't be the same without you...and i'm looking forward to coming back to LA this year to see you, Boomboxery member SLO and hopefully a few other members :-D
We'll get it together soon Gordie! Im even down to hit up Canada and freeze my balls off hahaaa, It would be great for you to come out to the NEXT Venice meet that Chris WILL BE ATTENDING as well LOL. FOR SURE. We're gonna miss ya out there Chris :-(


Member (SA)
Wow, 10,000 posts! I think I'm nearing 500, I don't know how I would ever reach that milestone. I might hit 1,000 someday.

Congratulations on the milestone, and I applaud your dedication and loyalty to this great site.

Lasonic TRC-920

fromNKLwithlove said:
Just finished reading that story about your school day, awesome post! I just got here and im always looking forward for your posts. Keep it up! :chris920:

Thanks man, welcome to the party! Glad you liked that story.

gsbadbmr said:
There are MANY fallen boombox collector soldiers lost throughout the years...BUT i'm really liking all the "newer" Boomboxery members here...they seem AMAZING, positive...and friendly...so props to all of you new guys :thumbsup:

I'm 10+ years deep in this hobby...i've closed my accounts numerous times...who knows how many posts i would have had in total...probably still nowhere near Chris's 10 000 posts...you POST WHOOOORE :lol:

Your right Gordie, some great new members here pushing the limits of our hobby in all directions and I think its great. So many new ideas and mods. So many great pictures. Enjoying it all.

redbenjoe said:
i have read // re-read and studied all 10,000 of your valued posts -
and i must say you have earned hall-of-fame status around here -
and elsewhere in life

:bow: :rock: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :hooray: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
Ira, you are the legend and the super count leader. I have enjoyed your wit since day one and as I said, it is the original crew that laid the ground work for the attitude of this site. I am very proud to be a part of it.

Lasonic TRC-920

SLO said:
Wow 10,000!! Congrats my friend, It's been great shooting the shiat with ya man, and also good to meet you at the last function. Your YouTube videos have been enjoyed by so many, including myself, us new guys really learn alot from you OG's, and I absorb it like a sponge. I'm still very new to the game, but it's been a blast so far meeting a bunch of you members, some in person, some just from messaging and phone, but everyone I've met from here are all TOP NOTCH PEOPLE. It can only get better from here Chris, keep doin what you do man! I hope us newbies can bring more to the table in the future, as so many of you guys have done in the past and present!

Thank Steve, i promise i will be at the next meet. I think its awesome you guys are gonna get together and represent. Like everyone else, i look forward to the pictures

trippy1313 said:
Wow, 10,000 posts! I think I'm nearing 500, I don't know how I would ever reach that milestone. I might hit 1,000 someday.
Congratulations on the milestone, and I applaud your dedication and loyalty to this great site.
I may have 10k posts, but your 500 were actually good lol

Thanks bro


Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
Wow, it seems like it was only yesterday when I was a kid with a full head of hair and on a single mission.


That mission and everything that goes with it showed me that GIRLS like music, but my only radio was plugged into the wall in my bedroom and had one little speaker. It also belonged to my mom and although she is a girl...not quite what I was looking for at the time (Love you mom and happy birthday).

No, girls...sadly enough were in my bedroom, they were out in the street listening to that "OTHER BOYS" music and dancing and smiling and paying attention to the boy with the radio.

YES...there was only one solution to this dilemma. I had to acquire a far more powerful & portable music delivery system and sway the girls attention away from that boy and ALL other boys!

So, I worked hard, saved up enough money and found the proper system, one with enough power, features and bling, to get the girls dancing and smiling for me, MINE ALL MINE!

Oh Lasonic TRC-920, you did me right all these years...still putting a smile on my face :-D

Some of my earliest posts...

Still fun to have a look back:

Back When You Blasted

Should this radio live or Die?

An 80's Story, Remembering my 920

It seems as though we are in the 3rd phase here at Boomboxery. Many of the OG crew that split away from S2G and built this site have faded away. I consider myself to be in the 2nd wave and now the site is teaming with fresh members with new exciting interest. :clap:

Thank you to everyone here...it's been a blast (excuse the pun). I couldn't have acquired, repaired or maintained this collection of dreams without you.

And now I am in the super exclusive 10,000 club. Damn. Hard to believe.

When I first joined up here it was very intimidating, but I was welcomed in with open cassette decks. I sure hope that mentality holds true through the next generation of members and collectors!


Posts like this really make my day when I log on to check the new posts, great read.

It is intimidating joining any close knit society such as this but we all have a mutual love of boomboxes and audio to mix in with our general stories and experiences so I feel like we all have something to bind us together.

I think its great there are some members like you Chris that always have some stories to share, a kind word or two or some great pics to show. I notice you always comment on a new thread by a newbie with some words of encouragement or some helpful words where perhaps some others don't bother. You are one of the good guys for sure.
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