Wow, it seems like it was only yesterday when I was a kid with a full head of hair and on a single mission.
That mission and everything that goes with it showed me that GIRLS like music, but my only radio was plugged into the wall in my bedroom and had one little speaker. It also belonged to my mom and although she is a girl...not quite what I was looking for at the time (Love you mom and happy birthday).
No, girls...sadly enough were in my bedroom, they were out in the street listening to that "OTHER BOYS" music and dancing and smiling and paying attention to the boy with the radio.
YES...there was only one solution to this dilemma. I had to acquire a far more powerful & portable music delivery system and sway the girls attention away from that boy and ALL other boys!
So, I worked hard, saved up enough money and found the proper system, one with enough power, features and bling, to get the girls dancing and smiling for me, MINE ALL MINE!
Oh Lasonic TRC-920, you did me right all these years...still putting a smile on my face
Some of my earliest posts...
Still fun to have a look back:
Back When You Blasted
Should this radio live or Die?
An 80's Story, Remembering my 920
It seems as though we are in the 3rd phase here at Boomboxery. Many of the OG crew that split away from S2G and built this site have faded away. I consider myself to be in the 2nd wave and now the site is teaming with fresh members with new exciting interest.
Thank you to everyone's been a blast (excuse the pun). I couldn't have acquired, repaired or maintained this collection of dreams without you.
And now I am in the super exclusive 10,000 club. Damn. Hard to believe.
When I first joined up here it was very intimidating, but I was welcomed in with open cassette decks. I sure hope that mentality holds true through the next generation of members and collectors!

That mission and everything that goes with it showed me that GIRLS like music, but my only radio was plugged into the wall in my bedroom and had one little speaker. It also belonged to my mom and although she is a girl...not quite what I was looking for at the time (Love you mom and happy birthday).
No, girls...sadly enough were in my bedroom, they were out in the street listening to that "OTHER BOYS" music and dancing and smiling and paying attention to the boy with the radio.
YES...there was only one solution to this dilemma. I had to acquire a far more powerful & portable music delivery system and sway the girls attention away from that boy and ALL other boys!
So, I worked hard, saved up enough money and found the proper system, one with enough power, features and bling, to get the girls dancing and smiling for me, MINE ALL MINE!
Oh Lasonic TRC-920, you did me right all these years...still putting a smile on my face

Some of my earliest posts...
Still fun to have a look back:
Back When You Blasted
Should this radio live or Die?
An 80's Story, Remembering my 920
It seems as though we are in the 3rd phase here at Boomboxery. Many of the OG crew that split away from S2G and built this site have faded away. I consider myself to be in the 2nd wave and now the site is teaming with fresh members with new exciting interest.

Thank you to everyone's been a blast (excuse the pun). I couldn't have acquired, repaired or maintained this collection of dreams without you.
And now I am in the super exclusive 10,000 club. Damn. Hard to believe.
When I first joined up here it was very intimidating, but I was welcomed in with open cassette decks. I sure hope that mentality holds true through the next generation of members and collectors!