Sharp GF9000 on UK eBay

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Member (SA)
I REALLY like it with those new aluminum woofers he added! For some reason, they just work soooo well with that box.


Member (SA)
what the hell - is madness catching?

You can get a 9000 for 150 quid
and those "lovely" drivers you can get for less than 100 quid down you rlocal car hifi place

boombox buyers are getting crazier


Member (SA)
Better sound quite probably, but I disagree with the sellers assertion that it looks better - the chrome centre black or white main drivers look far, far better.


Member (SA)
2steppa said:
Better sound quite probably, but I disagree with the sellers assertion that it looks better - the chrome centre black or white main drivers look far, far better.
Got to agree with 2steppa on this one :agree:


Member (SA)
woodnbox said:
WTF i'd want it gold plated for that money :huh: :huh:

When i was about 19 i had a HQ Holden sedan and i wanted to trade it in on a car
i seen advertised in a car yard in the city.
When i rang the car yard and told him what i had for a trade he said how much
do you want for it ?? When i told him he laughed and said "is it gold plated ?"

I told him to go F*CK himself !

It was a fair price i wanted back then, and now, not too many years later, its a classic
and a collectable and it would sell for 3 or 4 times more than what i wanted then easily !

Our boomboxes too are classics and highly collectable !

ClaretBadger, i dont want to create any bad feelings between members on this forum but
seriously, how many times does this price complaining crap have to come up ??

We have all seen how much M70's have been selling for lately, even some very nice ones
from one of our own memebers here. I have had 3 M70's in my collecting career and the
most i ever paid for one was $150, the rest where cheaper !! Does that mean we should
all get them for that ? Should we message any of our fine members and tell them they are
selfish dreamers for wanting and even getting so much for thiers because AZA got his for
$150 ???

I say congrats to any seller who gets a good price for thier boombox and congrats to the
buyer for getting the radio they desired. Why cant it just be that simple !?

and if you can 'get a 9000 for 150 quid' as simple as that, wouldnt we all have one ??

i have seen only 3 ever in person in 5 or 6 years of collecting and im fairly sure the amount offered
for sale on OZ Epay in that time period has been minimal at best.

If i am completely wrong here please tell me :-/


Member (SA)
AZA - I simply don't believe someone paid that much for "that" box

I mean - you do know the dollar to pound exchange rate right? :dunce:

The way I see it is - yeah you're right we should be happy that the collection of 80's electronis we have is now worth more than we paid for it and yes things go up in value, that is why things are considered investments.

BUT in this case - either hyperinflation is at work, someone's cat jumped on the keyboard or someone with aspergers bid on it.
the box is not original - heck it's not even with it's original box or has ten pund notes stuffed in the battery compartment

maybe I AM getting cranky?

No in this instance this auction stinks of BS

my opinion - and i'm entitled to it

you're within your rights to call mewhat you want


Member (SA)
The GF9000 is a great looking box

SOME SAY (in best Jeremy Clarkson voice) they have the sexiest VU meters
They are big - 8" woofers give it presence
They are pretty - in a wierd Jap techno fetish way


Well they come up a bit less frequent than 777's - but they turn up more than M70's in the UK


Well - "value is in the wallet of the beholder" like I just typed in on Stereo2Go - and the last few in the UK have gone for just over the ton (100 ounds to my American brothers)

so 500 for a Franken-box is just not calculatable


Member (SA)
kingrat2010 said:
who cares anyway |-)

fair coment

if I didn't like it or rthe price - I didn't have to bid (I didn't)

But likewise - you didn't have to comment on this thread if you didn't care
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