I'm Not Sure If This Can Be Fixed..........................

Lasonic TRC-920

Feb 16, 2010
Naples, Italy
Thank you for the update. I'm siding on the positive here. Once this procedure is complete you'll be in a stronger position and over time will gain strength.

You'll be rockin' a box on your shoulder in no time!


Member (SA)
Jul 26, 2015
Sleaford, Lincolnshire, UK.
Thanks for all the kind words, folks, I appreciate this very much. A morbid thought did dawn on my tiny mind:

Given that the surgeon who wants to operate on my stomach says he can't operate because my lungs are in too poor a condition for general anaesthetic and.........................................the 'throat surgeon' will use 'a/an anaesthetic' for my throat operation (but not a local anaesthetic)...........is he just taking a chance it'll be OK? :blink: :-O Now I'm seeing this:
a) I'm the guinea pig
b) Throat surgeon will be the the scapegoat if it all goes wrong
c) Stomach surgeon will weigh up the odds & chances for his op depending on the outcome of what happens during b)! :hmmm: :w00t: :-D
Yes, that's my thinking now but I'm seeing this with a large dose of humour, I can laugh at this because I can and humour can only be a good thing. :yes: At least if it goes wrong I'll not know anything of it! :yes: :-D


Well-Known Member
Staff member
May 3, 2009
MyOhMy said:
a) I'm the guinea pig
b) Throat surgeon will be the the scapegoat if it all goes wrong
c) Stomach surgeon will weigh up the odds & chances for his op depending on the outcome of what happens during b)! :hmmm: :w00t: :-D
All of the above. :w00t: :lol:

But on a more serious note... I imagine that the stomach surgery would be much more invasive / intensive. I can't see the need for cutting open your abdomen just to work on your throat. But don't quote me on that. I'm not a doctor, but I do play one on TV.

Try not to stress so much about it. Stress and worry have been shown to negatively affect overall health. You are on the right track keeping music and humor close to you. You've got this, Christine. You've got this! :rock: :bow:


Member (SA)
Aug 30, 2009
Bremerton, WA, USA
Are they going to let you take a box to the hospital, Christine?

Anybody that listens to The Scorpions & Etta James in the same day needs to have her music with her.

I'm religious, but I firmly believe that whatever afterlife or next life there is doesn't depend on which particular human's word you took. Anybody can go. It depends on good works, a kind heart, and above all empathy. No worries, you have nothing to be concerned about.

A calm demeanor, a box, and choice tapes will see you through your stay. I can't wait to hear your stories as you regain your health. You got this, girl.


Member (SA)
Jul 26, 2015
Sleaford, Lincolnshire, UK.
The plot thickens:

I have to report to the hospital at 1130hrs on Monday for surgery, all's good so far however.....................a letter arrived today from a Respiratory Therepist at the Lung Function Room (!) informing me to be there at 1200hrs Monday - during surgery! :-O I feel there's a bit of a screw-up cum conundrum with all this: The throat surgeon needs all the respiratory test results & info prior to surgery BUT (uh-hu, a BIG BUT) the effectiveness of the lung/respiratory tests will be compromised by the pharyngeal web that continues to grow daily in my throat that the surgeon needs to remove. :bang:

I 'phoned the hospital and could detect a bit of a panic on, "We'll get back to you....". As for the expected information due to me regarding last time to eat & drink prior to surgery and whatever else I need to know, well - it's STILL a case of :popcorn: !!! :'-( :annoyed:
Here's the only thing I know with any certainty at this time: The web ('web' my arse, it feels more like half a pizza in size stuck in my throat :-O ) has now grown to the point of causing serious interference in my throat. I endure a few choking episodes (well, more like choke-lings or choke-ettes at this stage) as the web seems to move or 'flap' around whilst tightening. A few days ago my voice could only chirp like a baby bird then my voice went down to hoarse growl, it's now somewhere in between but changes either way as I talk. My throat is also permanently painful.

There we have it, joy in all it's forms. :-/

Lasonic TRC-920

Feb 16, 2010
Naples, Italy
Wow, what an ordeal. Only a few more days to go before you'll be getting some relief. All I can say is, stay calm, focus on Monday.

Maybe you could tell us some stories about your collection, keep your mind in a different place, plus, we love the way you tell stories and we love radio stories! :w00t:

Either way, I have you get some rest this weekend and everything goes smoothly on Monday


Member (SA)
Jul 26, 2015
Sleaford, Lincolnshire, UK.
Thanks, Kind Folks.

The hospital called me this morning with a solution to the be-in-two-places-at-one-time scenario:

Despite the fact the anaesthetist and surgeon need the respiratory test results prior to my operation (it's previously been agreed too dangerous to proceed with the operations without this info as my lungs are so farked), there is now no time left to reschedule the respiratory tests prior to the surgery so the surgery is planned to go ahead without the tests because the pharyngeal web size is increasing so rapidly no delays can be made. I could do little more than croak when discussing this with the hospital this morning and my food intake is now minimal but my liquids intake has increased. :'-( At least I could scare naughty children in the dark with my dinosaur-like croak and roar!!! :yes: :w00t: :lol:

I have complete trust (not 'faith', eh?!) in the health care professionals involved with my treatment but I also appreciate there is no guarantee of a successful outcome given the state of my lungs. By 'eck, what a to-do!


Member (SA)
Jul 26, 2015
Sleaford, Lincolnshire, UK.
Well well, no sooner had I made my latest post when the hospital rang to say the respiratory tests have now neen rescheduled for 0730hrs Monday morning - there's hope yet although my friend isn't too happy as she is no great fan of life at The Crack Of Doom! :yes:


Member (SA)
May 7, 2009
Former New Yorker
My thoughts and you know what are with you!!!

When it's time to go the operating room keep your mind at ease. Just focus on something else build your confidence relax and just think of happy thoughts. Better yet have them play some of your favorite music I know they can fulfill that request for you.

Stay strong Christine and fight the good fight!!

See you soon!!!! :-)


Member (SA)
Jul 26, 2015
Sleaford, Lincolnshire, UK.
ford93 said:
My thoughts and you know what are with you!!!

When it's time to go the operating room keep your mind at ease. Just focus on something else build your confidence relax and just think of happy thoughts. Better yet have them play some of your favorite music I know they can fulfill that request for you.

Stay strong Christine and fight the good fight!!

See you soon!!!! :-)
Ah, you've warmed my heart with your words. :smooch:

I have absolutely no worries about the surgery or how it pans out, if I'm out cold when things go wrong then I'll just get colder without even realising it. :-D


Well-Known Member
Staff member
May 3, 2009
You will be just fine, Christine. There is too much fire in you to burn out this quickly. Like Juan said, request to have them play your favorite tunes during surgery, and if they don't have the means, tell them you'll bring a boomer.

Also, since you will be "loopy" after surgery, maybe give a close friend access to your account so they can give us a post-surgery report. :yes: :yes:


Member (SA)
Jul 26, 2015
Sleaford, Lincolnshire, UK.
Fatdog said:
You will be just fine, Christine. There is too much fire in you to burn out this quickly. Like Juan said, request to have them play your favorite tunes during surgery, and if they don't have the means, tell them you'll bring a boomer.

Also, since you will be "loopy" after surgery, maybe give a close friend access to your account so they can give us a post-surgery report. :yes: :yes:
I'm sure I'm seen as just another ol' fogey clogging up the health care system but I don't feel like that, I'd like nothing more than to get blind drunk at a wild party with loud music - ya know, just like the ol' days...................... :-D So, just in case........I'll be showing my friend around my lappy and where the link to this site is, where the password is kept, who to contact with a few BB's to give away............................................ya know, just in case; Ask her to explain to y'all how much of a positive impact you've had on me with special thanks to couple of outstanding suspects here...............ya know, just in case. :-) Happy days! :-D


Member (SA)
May 7, 2009
Former New Yorker
MyOhMy said:
My thoughts and you know what are with you!!!

When it's time to go the operating room keep your mind at ease. Just focus on something else build your confidence relax and just think of happy thoughts. Better yet have them play some of your favorite music I know they can fulfill that request for you.

Stay strong Christine and fight the good fight!!

See you soon!!!! :-)
Ah, you've warmed my heart with your words. :smooch:

I have absolutely no worries about the surgery or how it pans out, if I'm out cold when things go wrong then I'll just get colder without even realising it. :-D

Aww shuks! :blush:


Member (SA)
Jul 26, 2015
Sleaford, Lincolnshire, UK.
Well, the time is almost upon me. I've gone without food since last night and enjoyed a light liquid diet today in preparation for the op tomorrow. My friend has arrived to stay with me and be by my side for the duration, I don't know what I'd do without her. I spoke with Nickeccles again last night, he managed to lift my spirits with his usual mix of informed advice, endless humour and reassurance - it's what I needed to end a day that began with a 2hr weep-athon when I struggled so desperately to breath during 'an episode' very early this morning.

Anyway, there's little further to add at this point, if I survive then I'll let you know and if I don't survive then Hazel will fill you all in with the gory details! :yes: :w00t: :-D


Member (SA)
Jul 14, 2014
Mom its easy to say "you'll be fine" but you know what, im convinced its true. There is so much positivity streaming your way that if there is any justice in the world we will be getting an update from you tomorrow. Im not a the praying type but i will cross everything


Member (SA)
Jul 26, 2015
Sleaford, Lincolnshire, UK.
T-STER said:
Mom its easy to say "you'll be fine" but you know what, im convinced its true. There is so much positivity streaming your way that if there is any justice in the world we will be getting an update from you tomorrow. Im not a the praying type but i will cross everything

G'night all, keep BB'ing. :yes: :thumbsup: