Your Favorite Boombox

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I guess my first love is my greatest. I'm sticking with my Sanyo M7770K, not for the sound, which is quite all right, but because of the features it has. In line, out line, stereo mic mixer, beat cancel, AM/FM/2SW bands, metal tape capacity, extreme portability, 2 headphone jacks...rugged and reliable. I've had it since Sept. '84. It was my cassette 'tape deck' for a long time, since I could hook it into my honkin' big stereo outfit. The only thing it lacks is auto-stop.
I notice there are a lot of Sanyos in this thread.


Member (SA)
Gluecifer said:
I'm STILL labouring over this..

The main reason I'm finding it hard is that I'm torn between not just models but condition as well.

In my collection I have a bunch of radios of absolutely adore, but the condition of some of them stops them
from being a favourite. Like, for instance, I could say the C-100 is my favourite boombox, but my C-100
isn't because it's not as pristine as I'd like, for example. And then theres the problem of separating the upper most
top tier of my collection, the more I think the harder it gets.

Maybe I'm overthinking it... but as Norm says, 'favourite' means singular. And OVERALL favourite means considering
absolutely everything.

The answer then, as far as I'm concerned, is the BomBeat 40. Even though I don't have one this box has been in my neeeeds
list since I made one about five years ago, it was the fourth box I put on it, and is still my most wanted.

There isn't one single box I wouldn't trade in my collection to get one. Which is something I can't say about any other model I've seen or scored
since I began collecting. Even though I don't have one, this is my answer.

Rock On.

Two and a half years on, my answer is still the same!

Rock On.
To be my favourite, a box has to sound the best and have the best build quality. For me, the 'best looking' box will never win purely on looks alone.

The real test is which box you end up using the most.

My favourite mass produced box is my National RX-C45!

James.... :-)


Member (SA)
jimmyjimmy19702010 said:
To be my favourite, a box has to sound the best and have the best build quality. For me, the 'best looking' box will never win purely on looks alone.

The real test is which box you end up using the most.

My favourite mass produced box is my National RX-C45!

James.... :-)
I choose my Clairtone on the fact that it blow me away from the day I got it on looks and sound.
It was no way the best condition box I had as it did have a switchcover missing and also a few knocks and scrapes. It was however the only box ive owned which gave me earache and also the only box ive regretted getting rid of.
Unfortunately when I had it I really didn't use it enough as, with my boxes being upstairs at the time, it was "to much hassle to bring down" :thumbsdown: This was basically the reason I moved it on.
In hindsight that bad boy should have just lived in the living room permanently from day one :yes:
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