Your Favorite Boombox

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Member (SA)
if i could only keep one i think itd be this one. It just sounds so good.



Boomus Fidelis
This box was my very first that started me on collecting even thou i have a lot of boxes i really love but this one takes the prize in my opinion :thumbsup: :thumbsup: thanks to my buddy jimmy :smooch: :smooch: :smooch:


Boomus Fidelis
monchito said:
[ Image ] This box was my very first that started me on collecting even thou i have a lot of boxes i really love but this one takes the prize in my opinion :thumbsup: :thumbsup: thanks to my buddy jimmy :smooch: :smooch: :smooch:

I should agree with you Monchito! It is one of the best boomboxes ever made! I adore my "like new condition" one every day. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Perfection to the utmost detal! So hard to take my eyes off a GF777. :yes: :yes:


Boomus Fidelis
BoomboxLover48 said:
monchito said:
[ Image ] This box was my very first that started me on collecting even thou i have a lot of boxes i really love but this one takes the prize in my opinion :thumbsup: :thumbsup: thanks to my buddy jimmy :smooch: :smooch: :smooch:

I should agree with you Monchito! It is one of the best boomboxes ever made! I adore my "like new condition" one every day. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Perfection to the utmost detal! So hard to take my eyes off a GF777. :yes: :yes:
:agree: :agree: :agree:


Member (SA)
If I had to pick one, over all the rest, My favorite (for many reasons) would be my near perfect Lasonic TRC931. Dang! That was painful :annoyed:


Member (SA)
My M70 hands down. It was my favorite as a kid and still is today. It is also the only boombox I have more than 1 of...5 to be exact. It is the one boombox in my collection I couldn't live without.


Member (SA)
Jboogie, I'll pick one for ya! :-D The Conion on the bottom right with the analog VU meters, for sure! :w00t: :thumbsup:

As for me, my Sears 2199 takes the prize......I don't have any grails :'-( Unless the third version of the TRC-931 counts?


Member (SA)
agc said:
Jboogie, I'll pick one for ya! :-D The Conion on the bottom right with the analog VU meters, for sure! :w00t: :thumbsup:

As for me, my Sears 2199 takes the prize......I don't have any grails :'-( Unless the third version of the TRC-931 counts?





Member (SA)
Mine would be my Rising 20 20, although ive not been into my boxes much lately if they all had to go the Rising would be my last box standing.


Member (SA)
I'm STILL labouring over this..

The main reason I'm finding it hard is that I'm torn between not just models but condition as well.

In my collection I have a bunch of radios of absolutely adore, but the condition of some of them stops them
from being a favourite. Like, for instance, I could say the C-100 is my favourite boombox, but my C-100
isn't because it's not as pristine as I'd like, for example. And then theres the problem of separating the upper most
top tier of my collection, the more I think the harder it gets.

Maybe I'm overthinking it... but as Norm says, 'favourite' means singular. And OVERALL favourite means considering
absolutely everything.

The answer then, as far as I'm concerned, is the BomBeat 40. Even though I don't have one this box has been in my neeeeds
list since I made one about five years ago, it was the fourth box I put on it, and is still my most wanted.

There isn't one single box I wouldn't trade in my collection to get one. Which is something I can't say about any other model I've seen or scored
since I began collecting. Even though I don't have one, this is my answer.

Rock On.


Boomus Fidelis
I still would not be able to decide my all time favorite, but I asked Jeannie, if I had to get rid of all my boxes but one which one should I keep ?? Well her answer was my Sharp VZ2000 :confused:


Member (SA)
skippy1969 said:
I would have to say my Sanyo M9500k.
It brings me a lot of fond memories from the 80's......

[ Image ]
I'm new to the site. No offense, folks, and no offense, skippy1969, but those black, perforated grilles of the Sanyo M-9500-K (or is that "M-9500K"?) look extreme and overwhelming. Could the designers at Sanyo not have created a more subtle look for the unit?
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