You find a factory sealed JVC-M90 at a flea market...

What do you do next?

  • Open it immediately!

    Votes: 23 62.2%
  • Save it in it's sealed state! Opening the box would ruin the value!

    Votes: 9 24.3%
  • Send it off to Superduper. He will know what to do.

    Votes: 5 13.5%
  • Send it off to Redbenjoe, although your not quite sure what will happen next.

    Votes: 3 8.1%

  • Total voters
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Member (SA)
Open it carefully just to be able to test/use it :yes: .
Then I put it in my shelf and store the box away safely. :-)


Member (SA)
Open it carefully... don't wanna buy a cardboard box full of stones for a thousand bucks :lol:
Anyway, I agree with Max. I'd open it and carefully store the box and everything.


I Am Legend
just by opening it up -
and then using it for 5 minutes ... will decrease the value --
perhaps by 1 or 2 $$$$ thousand bucks !!!
YIKES :dunce: :dunce:

still - for us real collectors --the powerful curiosity re
how great a brand new m90 REALLY can sound --
over-rides the money thingy :thumbsup: :yes: :yes: :breakdance:



Boomus Fidelis
Reli said:
Slap it in Ebay without opening it

That's my thought exactly. :yes: I'll bet a NIB still sealed M90 could pull $2500 to $3000 on ePay
With the extreme profit you could eventually buy another excellent condition M90 and pocket the extra 1 or 2k's in profit. :thumbsup:
With that profit alone you could fund some other cool purchases.

Mrs. Fatdog

Member (SA)
Hopefully I am there with FD when said fairy tale happens...he'll need someone to catch him when he faints and change of skivvies. :-P


Boomus Fidelis
i hate to say it but it would be gone faster than snow in a skillet . and i would save the money from the sale so i don't have to work like a mule my whole life :lol: .


Member (SA)
open it - use it - love it :super:

I definitely agree with Bendy. I wouldn't be able to wait to open it. I would immediately find some batteries and crank that sucker up. Even if I could sell it for $3000 unopened it would mean much more to me to be the first to open her up and let the sound fly. I find it interesting how many on this site find the value of a boombox more important than the enjoyment of it. I do this for the enjoyment alone. This hobby is far from an investment for me. I know everyones financial situation is different but I love boomboxes for the memories they help me re-live and new ones they provide. A couple thousand dollars cant do anything for me because once that money is gone the memory of it goes away as well. Imagine the look on your face cracking the sealed plastic on a brand new M90 and seeing and smelling that new box for the first time...hearing it for the first time. That memory would last for a lifetime, and that makes my choice very easy.


Boomus Fidelis
mellymelsr said:
open it - use it - love it :super:

I find it interesting how many on this site find the value of a boombox more important than the enjoyment of it. I do this for the enjoyment alone. This hobby is far from an investment for me.

Melly I think you might be missing the point from those of us who made that statement to sell it. For me it was to take the assumed number of $3000 then buy one of the minty ones that pop up at less than half that price once in a while, the extra money could be used to buy several more grails or whatever and you would still enjoy a minty cool M90. For some here $3000 is nothing, just a tiny amount of our net worth but for others $3000 could be a years savings so you really have to understand the perspective. I would love to have so much money that $3000 meant literally nothing then I wouldn't care and I'd keep the NIB M90 and love the hell out of it for exactly what you describe, in fact I'd spend whatever it took to buy all of the NIB's that occasionally come up. Unfortunately I like many of us live at a level where $3000 is a large chunk of change and I have to respect that until the day $3000 is nearly meaningless to my existence.

Now for anybody reading this including you Melly :smooch: I respect whatever anyone would do after all it's their choice. I may not personally agree but I do respect the freedom of choice, even if someone wanted to take it straight to the dumps and throw it away although I reserve the right to call you nuts or even sick. :-)


Boomus Fidelis
For me personally, I never knew about the M90 until I started collecting. I never remembered it from my youth, even though I was around at the time. In terms of style, it just never "stood out" like the Conions and Lasonics did. So while the experience of opening one for the first time would be nice, it is not something I would be willing to sacrifice very much money for.
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