What got me back into boxes, was when I was out somewhere, and I just happened to pop into a very small and rather packed out record store.
There it was....on the floor. I wanted that box there and then.
The record store owner said that I might not want that one.........Come back to my basement and see the OTHER TWO!
He has THREE of these monsters?!!
.............It was over three years later, I returned to the record store, and the box in the store had gone. :'-(
But what about the other two? One had gone..........And the other?
That box is now with me.
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So there we are. This box is the only one that I have ever came across 'in-the-wild' though.
I suppose that boxes can be found all over the place. Its just a case of being in the right place, at the right time.
......Or in the case of eBay.....having deep enough pockets!
Good luck in finding the boxes that you would like to have in your collection. Don't forget pics, though!