What's The Furthest Distance You've Carried Your Grail-Box?

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Member (SA)
Here's one I've not seen asked here:Whst's the farest you've carried your Grail
or Boombox? :hmmm: :-D :-O :surf: :choco:

I personally on a long special day will hit 3-4 of my 'Special Spots'
and that tallies up to about 2-3 miles if I'm really adventurous. :yes: Usually this is
with a JVC PC-55JW or Sharp GF-8989II or similar large box in later years!!!
But my longest would have to be in Glacier National Park in NW Montana :yes: :-) :cool:
In 1994' in the fall when I hiked 14 miles up 2,000-3,000 feetclimb In altitude also in one
afternoon with my Emerson AM/FM cassette Boombox! :yes: :-D There's a member
here with the same box as their avatar! :yes:

That was an incredible hike,took about 6.5-7 hours to hike that,even had a
beer with me and what-not for a nice hiking experience. :stereo: :beer2: :weed: :dog: :cat: :morepics: :bow: :choco: :popcorn: :yes:
I saw fresh bear dumps and was listening to some Elvis Presly on the
way back!
Glad I made it!
Yes I have photos somewhere! :-)
So how far have you gone with your boomer??
On feet only please!! :yes:

Here's a link with the same exact model I carried. :-)



Staff member
Just the fact that you mentioned Elvis and fresh bear dumps in the same sentence cracked me up. :lol:

Anyhoo...I would probably say at least... :hmmm:

Who knows? I started walking around with my silver Sansui CP-7 just to see what kind of looks a 40+ year old father of three who is nearly married twenty years would get.

And aside from the curious stares, it generated a lot of retro conversation. I kinda lost track of the day but I can tell you this...there was a LOT of walking and even took it into our local Best Buy which really was a hoot. (I even asked the "Geek Squad" if they could service it! :lol: ) Regardless my arms haven't been that tired or shoulders that sore since I was carrying my son...back in 1999/2000!!! :lol: :lol:

Master Z

Member (SA)
As a kid I used to go all over the neighborhood, and around town on my bike. Recently, the furthest I've gone was around 5-6 miles around Detroit for the Decentralized Dance Party! The party only went a few miles, but my friends and I walked around more before and after the party. I took my M70 and was glad to have the strap! I switched arms a ton of times cause it was getting heavy by the end of the night. Great times!




Member (SA)
I have taken my GF-777 on several journeys with public transportation, train rides and all. The longest walking distance was probably about 2 miles.
The other boxes I mostly carry around are my Crown 850 and my M70. I had those with me on several journeys as well, but I don't think I carried them any further then 2 miles without a stop.


Member (SA)
I carried ones 3 boomers on a 600 km journey with train to other collector here in BG , one was VZ :lol: Carried one Sanyo mx920 and a mini to Berlin and back one rising 20 20 , one elephant and one mini from Dessau thru Berlin and flight to Sofia from there. Ones a big Watson again from Dessau to Sofia same story. Most of the times i didnt carried em long distances on one take, but believe me - to carry 3 boomers thru the whole Berlin airport wasnt much fun :lol: . Of course one of them is always in my soft DJ bag ( which turned really good to carry one huge boomer instead of 2 CDJs and a mixer :lol: ) . I think probably Ralf and maybe Nestor beat me on the distances, but i made it few times already :lol: Every time i get a lot of attention ( some times from the customs too - ones they checked one of the boomers for half an hour in special room in Berlin airport :thumbsdown: , but during the time all officers where chatting with me about old tech stuff :lol: ) So i suppose - im the winner. Whats the prize ? :lol:


Member (SA)
100km with 5 boomers in my car (a little 2000 MK5 Ford Fiesta) for a BBoying meet (last sunday in downtown São Paulo). :breakdance:

In the pic below, the three in the center (Centurion, Sharp and Unisef), the Conion without trims and the mini Sanyo are mine (Conion and Unisef have lead acid batteries inside).


I always carry one for my skateboard sessions, but in this particular case, as the first time I carry five boomers!!! :thumbsup:



Member (SA)
M70 and RC550 were my weapons of choice last summer. I took them with me in public transportation and walked many km with them.
I also took out my 777 once but that one got too heavy after a while.
The BEST carry around boxes are the Lasonic 931 and the JVC M90 imo because they have the perfect size/weight/sound relation.

However, to name some grails I would never carry around outside: RC550LM, Discolite, M70GX, RX7200 and maybe my S90 but just because it is in new condition and I would be too afraid something could happen to it.
All the rest, even VZs or the Masterblaster, are absolutely going to be taken for a walk this summer. That's what they are made for after all! :yes:

Collecting them for only having them run on the shelf or in the living room is pointless imho. It's pretty much like owning a beautiful old car but never drive it outside. Defeats the purpose somehow...


Member (SA)
mmcodomino said:
All the rest, even VZs or the Masterblaster, are absolutely going to be taken for a walk this summer. That's what they are made for after all! :yes:
That's the spirit :thumbsup:

And you're right about the 931 - it's perfect for carrying :yes:
We had a little demonstration rave against tuition fees here in Hannover last autumn where I rocked the crowd with my 931 :lol: :thumbsup:

Lasonic TRC-920

Great Thread / Great Stories

Like many, back in the day, my TRC-920 went every where with me, so I would have to say 100 Miles from 1983-1986.

But as of recent times, I haven't been getting out for the mileage. I really don't have much of an excuse either since I have a few of Blu-Fuz's Blaster Strap's. I think the last time I carried a box was last summer when my wife and I went to the beach. I took the Toshiba BomBeat RT-S84 which has a strap on it (thank god!) I mav have walked a few miles.

Most recently I bought a GE 3-5286A at the local swap meet. It had old batteries in it and even though that is a "Smaller Mediem" radio, those little suckers are heavy....after a few isles of carrying it, I had to take it to the car :lol: :-/ But to be honest, carrying a radio that isn't playing music makes them heavier some how :-D :yes:

Below is my last great public strut




Well-Known Member
Staff member
Soon you will all be able to carry your boomers with a strap :yes: .

I carried my SCR-8, Pioneer SK-550, M90 around for a few miles. It's fun to watch everyone look at you and wonder why you don't have headphones on :lol:

Lasonic TRC-920

blu_fuz said:
Soon you will all be able to carry your boomers with a strap :yes: .

I carried my SCR-8, Pioneer SK-550, M90 around for a few miles. It's fun to watch everyone look at you and wonder why you don't have headphones on :lol:

TOTALLY...I think that is the best!


Member (SA)
It is so cool to hear these adventourous train journeys in Europe and
the others to! :thumbsup:

That is so cool,Stormseven-you may be the winner for long distances
but I'm truly looking for the longest 1 day walk or hike on feet with
your Boombox.

Master Z,that looks like a cool time! Still restoring the WX-1 BTW!!
Getting the surrounds done by fall and am belting it soon.
Thanks again!! :thumbsup: Hard one to get parts for. :yes:

Max,I totally agree with you on taking em' outside and use them! :thumbsup:

I don't have a problem carrying any heavy Grail as I use a 45lb.
dumbell to work out and I use it for many reps and have always
had strong arms so I like to carry em'!
Yes I had a light boomer but that 14 miles hiking up and down that
mountain was something else!!!!! :w00t: :-D
Love it-keep the stories coming!! :surf: :yes: :cool:


Member (SA)
when i still had it,we went and got my m90 from wales on a 500 mile round trip in one day!!!!but i didnt carry it the car did :hmmm:


Member (SA)
1985 July 4 weekend drove from Halifax Nova Scotia to Boston .......in a pimped out Cadillac recorded 2 tapes ( Radio CKLN) over the weekend still have them today ...........


Member (SA)
It was summer 1984, I went for a walk with my Technics SAC-05L, I set off from home with a selection of my favourite Zappa tunes playing and managed about 300 Yards before a fresh set of Duracells reached that point at which they could no longer keep up with the beast's demands for current.
Oh how the neighbours loved hearing about Bobby Brown's exploits. :lol:


Member (SA)
In the 1980 I got on bart to go San Fran china town to buy firecrackers and took my box for the long trip . Maybe 2hr each way big trip


Well-Known Member
Staff member
freefree_98 said:
In the 1980 I got on bart to go San Fran china town to buy firecrackers and took my box for the long trip . Maybe 2hr each way big trip
I bet you got some really good firecrackers there. The legality was probably questionable, but I bet they were fun! :lol:
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