What when and why?

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Member (SA)
most of us probably have the same reason but I just thought I would ask .. Why or what made you start collecting and when did you start collecting ??? if you don't mind sharing...


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The flame got ignited last year in June 2014 when my friend "ELDIRTYDINO" showed me a Lasonic TRC-975 that he had won and bought off of Ebay from a New Yorker, I was like Dammmmm! It instantly brought back childhood memories of my Lasonic TRC-931 that I used to own back in the day. Then, IT BEGAN....I wanted my **** back! I searched the internet and ended up buying a silver and chrome Lasonic i931btq, which was my 1st boombox of my new addiction. Now, I have accumulated a total of 19 boomboxes since last June, to now. (3 have been sold) Which leaves me with 16 to date. I love em all :thumbsup:


Member (SA)
Well... as random as this might be...

Andy Samberg's "Boombox" video got me into this. I'll explain. In early 2013, I saw this video and loved it. So much I thought it'd be a cool costume, but I needed a boombox. I try to make my costumes pretty close, so I did a lot of hunting to find out what it was.

It was a Lasonic Trc-931 of course (had no clue then). So I started looking. Luckily, prices were reasonable. So I got one on eBay, in July 2013.

And to my surprise... I fell in love!!! Been hooked ever since.


Member (SA)
trippy1313 said:
Well... as random as this might be...
Andy Samberg's "Boombox" video got me into this. I'll explain. In early 2013, I saw this video and loved it. So much I thought it'd be a cool costume, but I needed a boombox. I try to make my costumes pretty close, so I did a lot of hunting to find out what it was.
It was a Lasonic Trc-931 of course (had no clue then). So I started looking. Luckily, prices were reasonable. So I got one on eBay, in July 2013.
And to my surprise... I fell in love!!! Been hooked ever since.
Cool story bro..


Member (SA)
I guess I should share mine... my story started back in junior high school 1980 81 82 and 83... when break dancing and popping were hot and the thing to do.. growing up with very little money I used to be jealous of the rich Kidz who could afford a good ghetto blaster. so about a year and a half ago I got this crazy idea to post an ad on Craigslist for a boombox lo and behold I got one and ever since then the bug has gotten out of control ..


Member (SA)
I started back in 2005/2006, You see the pic of the vz2000 in my avvy, well I was browsing cd's in a shop and came across that cd and I was instantly mesmorised by it :drool: although I knew nothing about boomboxes at the time, I knew it looked hot and I went on an all out mission to find one, any would do at that point I just knew I had to find one. My first find was about a month or so later, it was the philips d8614 which has been a favourite ever since :thumbsup: now I'm totally hooked, and there is no cure :lol:


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Previously & still, I collect rare & expensive, high performance personal computer components, boards, RAM & CPU's mostly. DFI is a legendary motherboard manufacturer that changed the motherboard industry by offering their LanParty series of overclocking boards which had a great bundle of accessories & features. They only offered their LanParty retails series for a short 7 years, from early 2003 to the end of 2009 & then pulled out of the market but still offers embedded/OEM/systems to large volume buyers.

The Jewel of the collection is a 25th anniversary edition DFI LanParty Venus motherboard with a sweet Jewet case box that was stuffed with all kinds of neat accessories. There were only 1000 manufactured, WORLD WIDE & feature the absolute top cherry picked NF4 chipset that could take most A64's & Opterons to the height of their limits. Then, once the DFI's became harder & harder to find & my collection was pretty much complete I decided to find another hobby to occupy my time for a while. I still collect them if I can find them but they come up more seldom & I also have about 30+ matched pairs of super rare performance RAM that, no joke, when selling new, went for 300-600 US a pair. The GEIL Esoteric series RAM were about 300 a pair & featured REAL carbon fibre interwoven heat spreaders to wick away heat while overclocking to the sky....

I'm not exactly sure why suddenly I decided I wanted a GIANT 80's box after spending 5 years collecting PC stuff but something just came to me in a haze of smoke & I barely remembered as a kid seeing this GINORMOUS beast with big red LED meters, VU's, 2 cassettes, 1 slot loading & 1 front door type, cassette motion LEDs, GIANT woofers & lots of chrome. It was half as tall as me & I was simply amazed & jealous of the kid who lugged it around. I ended up here on BBy looking for clues as to what box it was & the closest I could find to that memory was the C-100 but it still doesn't quite match the colossal size & all the controls & looks so I'm still convinced there is a model out there from the late 70's that precluded the C-100 & is even more complex & massive. I really think it was an early small special edition run & it would be hard to find outside of Japan, or anywhere, back then or today, maybe out of Taiwan.

I do remember the kid bragging that it cost over 1000 bucks back in like 78, when I was about 9 years old....

Fast forward a couple of years. I was 12 & I saved my paper route cash & bought a Candle FM stereo Walkman from Consumer's Distributing for a whopping 40 bucks plus cash & the sound from those little headphones was simply jaw-dropping, compared to the usual big bulky home stereo headphones from Koss & the like. It just blew the rest of the headsets I listened to, out of the water & on par with the much more expensive SONY FM walkamans that first came out.

Fast forward a few years later & I'm 16, I bought a CANDLE JTR-1287, just like the one below & again I was amazed at how good it sounded & performed...


After joining BBy, I bought a 777Z because it looked so badass & I knew what horns & waveguides could do when combined with multi-driver coupling from my days as a roadie. My boss had some massive W-horn bass cabinets. loaded with 1000w Electro-Voice woofers & they sounded so deep & clean that I always wanted a pair for my home stereo but hey, that would not be too practical to own if I don't want the po-po interrupting my Terminator 2 movie. Needless to say, when I finally got the 777 in my hands, it was so disappointing sounding with the original weak speakers, I had to MOD out of frustration. Hence the speaker upgrades but once I got some decent cans in her, you could tell the center woofers sounded a lot like a bass stack, very clean transients & those inset waveguides were doing their job pushing out some very tight, very linear bass which spurred me on to want more boxes to play with & collect.

Then I saw a DISCO-LITE & other LED woofer ring mods done to other 777s & it inspired me to do my DISCO RGB thing. I even managed to pioneer the technique for lighting the inset tuner dial which I have yet to see duplicated in any other 777 series LED mod. I couldn't justify 1500 bucks for a working DISCO-LITE, just for the novelty, since most members report that they are pretty cheaply built, with so-so woofers & a noisy EQ. So, I decided to do my own LED system to blow away anything else, previously out there, MODDED or original.

So, as of this month, it's been a full 3 years of collecting/modding & a full year with all 4 woofers at 2 OHMS in my 777 & no problems at all, despite the nay-sayers saying it couldn't be done. Just last week I put the finishing touches on my latest DISCO Destroyer II & I love it just as much as the DISCO King Ghidorah M90 SUPER MOD. For me, they absolutely kick the DISCO-LITE, THE C-100 & the STOCK M90's in the face, as far as cool-factor & sheer performance & no one can claim I copied anything from anyone. Each is completely unique from anything else out there....


BTW, great idea for the thread & hope to hear other stories too...



Member (SA)
David E Rivera said:
It may have been a long story but it's his story... And it's cool...
Relax Dave 😉, JustCruisin is just given him a little crap! I know he read it all and appreciates it. 😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃


Member (SA)
David E Rivera said:
I'm cool.. Just saying some stories are going to be long... Some of us are OLD ..
I haven't posted my story because I have had enough time!😳 Anyone that knows me, knows I'm a talker!!!!

😃 I promise I'll try and keep it short.


Member (SA)
howie1976 said:
I haven't posted my story because I have had enough time! Anyone that knows me, knows I'm a talker!!!!

I promise I'll try and keep it short.
I wish I knew how to do that! :hmmm:

Birthdays, etc. Sharp GF555, Crown (GEC a.k.a., model long forgotten), Technics SAC05L, etc. existing collection of 200+ Hacker, Roberts, Dynatron, Grundig, Blue Spot, etc. radios looked lonely, started adding boomboxes to break up the great wall of wood.

Well fk me backwards, I did it. :w00t: ;-)


Member (SA)
JustCruisin said:
Sorry if I overloaded your Twitter brain there, Chico!!! :tease: Some of us actually have thoughts beyond 146 characters & can write in complete paragraphs. It's Ok, I know you inhaled a lot of paint fumes over the years, so it's not your fault, really.

HA-HA-HA!!! Just kidding stretch nuts... :-D

OK, on with the thread.... :afro:



Member (SA)
Cpl-Chronic said:
Sorry if I overloaded your Twitter brain there, Chico!!! :tease: Some of us actually have thoughts beyond 146 characters & can write in complete paragraphs. It's Ok, I know you inhaled a lot of paint fumes over the years, so it's not your fault, really.

HA-HA-HA!!! Just kidding stretch nuts... :-D

OK, on with the thread.... :afro:

"Twitter brain, stretch nuts".. You have some interesting vocabulary..:lol:

I guess I'm the only one used to forums being light-hearted, quick on the conversation, and plenty of enjoyable entertainment..
Paragraph replies or less keep the convo flowing.. It's when you try to force-feed your whole life story upon the readers eyes is when it's no longer fun..(similar to bible-thumpers cramming their religion down your throat)
Maybe its because i dont blog or read books..But,I think we should just KISS..(Keep It Simple Stupid) :cool:

This is just my opinion, take it or leave it.. :-)


Member (SA)
UH, OH!!! I guess a little light hearted banter in return for your off topic remark didn't sit well with you... sorry about that! I thought this was just a light teasing back & forth like guys do but I'm starting to realize there was more to it than that on your side..... :hmmm:

After all, I just shared my story & yeah, it was enjoyable to do & I was bored so I put a little more effort into my response & hoped it would be an enjoyable read while you drink your morning coffee, or in your case, your morning meth pick-me-up. ZING!!!! See, how that works? It's called light hearted banter among men so don't get too worked up over it if you insist on taking shots at others & expect it to be taken as a joke.

After all, I've stated openly in the past, despite your off color remarks towards me & my efforts, I think your work is the best paint jobs out there so where's the love back, eh? After all, no one is forcing you to read my posts. It's called a scroll bar. Is that a short enough response for you or did the ADD kick in again & I'm keeping you from all those cute kitty-cats vids on Y-tube? ZING!!! Just kidding again Cruisin' for a Bruisin' so lighten up, the day is young & we are all a part of the same community.

I still love you Cruisin' :catfight: & I'm still waiting to see how your MODs will turn out & be 1 of the first to compliment you on your creations...
JustCruisin said:
"Twitter brain, stretch nuts".. You have some interesting vocabulary.. :lol:

I guess I'm the only one used to forums being light-hearted, quick on the conversation, and plenty of enjoyable entertainment..
Paragraph replies or less keep the convo flowing.. It's when you try to force-feed your whole life story upon the readers eyes is when it's no longer fun..(similar to bible-thumpers cramming their religion down your throat)
Maybe its because i dont blog or read books..But,I think we should just KISS..(Keep It Simple Stupid) :cool:

This is just my opinion, take it or leave it.. :-)
Now, can we please get back on topic? I was really enjoyin' the thread....

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