Warning: I failed miserably when it comes to keeping it short!
Ok here it goes! Like many of you here, I am a child of the 80's. I literally grew up (Ages 4-13) in that era. And like anybody who was around back then, my life was heavily impacted by Hip Hop. The way I look at it, both Hip Hop and I grew up at the same time. As a kid I always liked to dance. I was that little kid at parties that would rather join the adults on the dance floor than play with kids my own age. Then one day around 1984, I heard a song on the radio that had a rhythm and a beat like nothing I had heard before. It was Herbie Hancocks classic- "Rockit." It was the first time I had ever heard scratching and I was blown away. Later that year I saw the movies "Breakin" and "Beat Street" and my love for Hip Hop, Breakdancing and Popping was cemented.
But there was one problem, I couldn't find any hip hop on the radio. Until I discovered a little known AM radio station called KDAY. They had a hip hop show on Friday and Saturday nights. So when my parents sent me to bed on the weekends I would break out the head phones and listen to rap while dreaming of doing "head spins" and "windmills." I was never much of a breakdancer, but I was good at popping. So I would dance with the kids on my street.
Since I only lived one block south of Hollywood Blvd, I would routinely walk up and down the boulevard and I couldn't help but stare in amazement at the boomboxes that were in the store fronts that littered the boulevard. For those in the LA area Hollywood was the place to buy boomboxes. I swear to you I must of walked by and seen everything from C-100's, M-90's, Lasonics, Sharps, and ever other Grail you could ever think of. I saw it all, I just didn't know exactly what I was looking at. I just knew they were badass and I always dreamed of having one. But I was just a kid and would never be able to convince my parents to get me one. So the years passed and I never got one. But deep down inside that desire of having one never went away. Fast forward to October 2014. For Halloween, I dressed up as an old school 80's guy complete with my Adidas jumpsuit, Adidas classics, kangol and gold chain. But something was missing- that boombox that I always wanted as a kid. So the next month in November I decided to finally get one. I knew nothing about models or the concept of grails. I just went on Craigslist and the first one I saw was the Rising 20/20. And to me it looked totally 80's hip hop. This will always be my ultimate personal Grail because it truly represents all those boomboxes I saw as a kid in the store fronts and it came to me 30 years after the fact. Talk about waiting to get what you want!
But what really turned it into a hobby was when I took it home and had to clean and bring it back to life. Before last November the most technically thing I had ever done to a radio was change the batteries. Now I was forced to take this thing apart and restore it. And guess what, I did it. That's when it turned into a serious hobby. Seeing that I'm a history teacher I naturally am intrigued by old things but boomboxes are more that just a piece of history, to me they are time machines that take me back to arguably the best time in my life- my childhood.