I had a similar thing with a Perdisco TRK-8600 off yahoo. Bad photos that made it look super rough and what looked like a crack down it's side of the case, but I bought it for about $16 (+shipping of course..) and took the risk thinking I might be able to fix her up.
When I got it I saw what I thought was the crack was actually the point of sale tag still on her... and the condition was, well, you can see for yourself.
It's not the biggest chance I've taken though, I ended up having to spend about 1500 in total to get one good quality CFS-99...(my third one off yahoo.jp). I think my biggest risk was a big box I bought from a rocker in Russia through Facebook; it took 11 weeks to get here. I'd written it off.. but it was well worth the wait and effort and Anton as a total rocker.
Rock On.