What Boombox Are You Cranking Up Right Now??


Member (SA)
Jamming the 80's funk hit "Peanut Butter" by Lenny White on the Lasonic TRC-931.



Member (SA)
hi my first post as just joined and at the moment i carnt blast anything out as me sounds havent arrived yet but when it does it will be a SHARP GF-A102 it as new still in original box unused its not my favorite as some of the big old silver ones look proper cheers daz


Member (SA)
Listening to Cameo...Alligator Woman...on the M70. The great sound and loud volume on this radio never ceases to impress... :-D



Member (SA)
Just picked this up today :-D Listening to an old Jungle tape from '93.. And I agree, MellyMel, this thing sounds fantastic!!



Member (SA)
Just picked this up today :-D Listening to an old Jungle tape from '93.. And I agree, MellyMel, this thing sounds fantastic!!

[ Image ]

.... :thumbsup: ...very nice M70. Easy to see why it is my favorite radio... :-D


Member (SA)
Dusted off the Sony ZX-7, fiddled with the tuner & then popped in a Genesis tape to check it's all still working OK.

Still listening now, just because it sounds so good for such a tiny boomer
My 3 year old son stared through the tape window for a little while, fascinated by the moving tape spools.
My 12 year old son was astonished by how expensive it would've been back in the 80s.

It serves as the tape deck & analog tuner in my home hifi system... & I love it!


Member (SA)
Listening to Rihanna on the radio on the newly acquired Pioneer SK-100 ($5 at salvation army today) :) this thing sounds fantastic for only having tone. Tape works and aux in/out for the win..



Boomus Fidelis
Picked up this Panny RX-5085 last week and I've been listening to it ever since. Not only does it look great but the sound is smooth and full with good bass and with the real tweeters the highs are not fatigueing at all, this is a box you can listen to for hours. :yes: I just listened to some Pink Floyd and AC/DC on the 5085. :thumbsup:
