VZ bling

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Member (SA)
The surface behind the VZ grilles bother me because they textured it but didn't paint it. So, I thought it would look cool if the squares were something, so I cut out a bunch of chrome stickers. Takes for freaking-ever to get the odd pieces cut right and laid down but man does it look cool in the sunlight!



Staff member
How does it look on the boombox? The VZ is a serious box. I'm curious what effect that will have.


Member (SA)
Yeah, I can't imagine it will be all that visible once it's back behind the grille but it should catch some light.
That's all I got done so far, I can only do so many before I my vision gets blurry or I get too frustrated from the tiny pieces falling and flying off my toothpick!



Staff member
Wow, even a headlight/magnifier setup. That's clearly a tedious task. Looks great though, better than I originally pictured it. Why the box cutter and scissor though? Looks like the squares are just peel and stick right?


Member (SA)
Superduper said:
Wow, even a headlight/magnifier setup. That's clearly a tedious task. Looks great though, better than I originally pictured it. Why the box cutter and scissor though? Looks like the squares are just peel and stick right?
Oh, the scissors is for trimming down the squares when they need to go in the weirdly shaped ones around the edge of the woofer.. but they're so small that the scissors doesn't always work so I am just pre-slicing them on the sheet with the box cutter :-)

Lasonic TRC-920

this is funny, because years ago when I took my VZ apart, I looked at this grid and thought it could use something but then just brushed it off as too hard to do!


Member (SA)
Well if it ends up not being "all that visible", might look pretty ill with a single white led behind the grill to make it pop! Or maybe 4!
I think its gonna be noticeable though. Can't wait to see it!


Boomus Fidelis
Eric the magician at work! :hooray:
It needs lots of patience to do this kind of work. With a sticky side it is so hard to align one single square, talk about cutting and aligning around the round woofer area! I will get drunk! :lol: :lol:


Member (SA)
That's so true Royce, and they fly everywhere like tiddlywinks. I had to work out designs for seven different pieces, and then cut a bunch of arcs the size of the woofer through a grid of squares and hunt through that sheet for ones that matched up close to what I needed. There are some pieces only 1x5 and 2x5 mm in the inner ring area, talk about frustrating! :bang: You learn to tack one corner down , then ease the rest of it into position.

I'm going to wait until some thicker chrome shows up next week for the second speaker, and see if it holds its flatness better. It's not horrible now but you can notice some waviness when if you look close.

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