The Mysterious Mystery Of GS BAD MR.

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Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
There are no shortages of C100's, If you want one, go get one. There are 3 on eBay right now.

What ever you work for is yours free and clear. Gordie put's in the hours, the money and the mileage! AND has put in more years than 98% of the people on this forum.

I have NEVER seen a post where he came off as bragging. BRAGGING would be posting pic's of his collection while doing donuts around them in his car! Mistaking bragging with sharing (which is what we are all doing on this site) sounds like jealousy, which is a perfect, normal reaction. I have no C100's. Would I love to have one?, one day maybe. Hell, I could have one right now, if I wanted to spend the time, money and mileage that Gordie has.....just haven't wanted it enough.

I have been lucky enough to have met Gordie through this site, and also to have dealt with him not only on a trade, but on a personal level as well. I can't say one bad thing about him. He's one of the most stand up guys on this forum. He is true to his word, honest, and one of the most humble guys you will ever meet. Boomboxery is about sharing the fun of this hobby that we all enjoy so much. If we can't share our finds and collections with other collectors then whats the point of all this? He puts in a lot of time and effort into acquiring his collection, and so does everyone else, including myself, so why not respect that. I respect ALL collections on this site, big, small, multiples, scattered around the house, or organized and neat. Everyones different. Gordie's taught me quite a bit about this game, and I appreciate him for that.

He will be missed on this forum, but for the record, he's doing just fine. I still keep in contact with him weekly and we did chat a few days ago, and today. And although he may not be active on these forums for a while, or possibly ever again, you can best believe that he IS active out on the streets doing what he does best, finding and collecting classic boomboxes.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Thanks for the update SLO - I knew he wouldn't stop collecting, its in his blood! Get'm! :breakdance:

Lasonic TRC-920

blu_fuz said:
Thanks for the update SLO - I knew he wouldn't stop collecting, its in his blood! Get'm! :breakdance:
No, he's not done...

I know I'm getting a bit off subject here, but one thing I wish I could get going is a "Look out network". I know from speaking with Gordie, that he has spent years as "The Boombox Guy" spreading the gospel to anyone who will listen and they are keeping an eye out for him. He's been doing this for years and years and it has taken years and years for him to build it up to this point. Unfortunately I rarely have the cash on tap to take advantage of such a set up, so I haven't tried that hard. But I do have people that know I like boomboxes and do send me info here and there.

Either way, it's all good. It doesn't matter. We all collect for our own reasons. No one is driven 100% for the same reason another guy is or have the same collection. Gordie stands out (as a super star in my book) because he is doing something WAY OUT SIDE THE BOX (excuse the pun). Obviously, some like it and respect it, others think it's too much.

Of anything on this site, I would hate to lose that excitement of being able to share a new score. Sharing with you all when I get a new radio is 65% of the fun (probably not for you guys, because most of my radio's are crud :thumbsdown: :-/ ). Hopefully that part of Boomboxery will never go away!


I Am Legend
yo SLO --next time you speak to gordie --tell him to view this thread -
so he will know for sure ... how many gordie fans we have on here :thumbsup: :clap: :hooray: :rock:


Member (SA)
redbenjoe said:
yo SLO --next time you speak to gordie --tell him to view this thread -
so he will know for sure ... how many gordie fans we have on here :thumbsup: :clap: :hooray: :rock:
Hey there Ira, I sent him a text a few days after Vintage Man started this thread and told him that he's missed by many, and to check it out. He did, and he was happy to see all you good guys showing him support :thumbsup: You guys rock! :rock: I hope he comes back to the site someday. Time will tell... ;-)

Vintage Man

Member (SA)
well I enjoyed the talks. So if your reading this bro. Scored a 7979 just 30 minutes from my work. 200 bucks near mint.


Member (SA)
I guess if you horde such grails & show it off to the other guys & never give any of them up, you might get a rash comment or 2 so take it as the champagne of victory & expect it when you show off a stack of M90's in your avatar.

no biggie really unless someone went personal on you. Then you just challenge that person, right in a thread....BAM!!



Member (SA)
JVC Floyd said:
all started when there was a doubt about the number of conion's he actually had , but as far as i'm concerned there was never any doubt the man has more conion's than jimmy carter has peanuts and that's the bottom line. don't matter if he has 50 or 100 , still more than any of us combined will ever see. really don't matter i'm not a conion freak and i don't get jealous of other peoples possessions i'm more worried about what the fark i have . i think gordie felt insulted by the comment so he's prolly hot under the collar right about now . i just wish he would forget it and keep posting but i would be kinda pissed too , i mean the guy has no reason to lie so why even entertain the thought.
I thought the sayin' was "More Conion's than Jimmy Carter has little liver pills" lol


Member (SA)
Guys, he sent me a pm on March 4th, we talked about some boxes, he is very much active collecting he seemed very happy too.

Lasonic TRC-920

Patron said:
Guys, he sent me a pm on March 4th, we talked about some boxes, he is very much active collecting he seemed very happy too.
HEY PATRON! Long time no see. I still got your 777z! I hope your doing well brother


Member (SA)
Lots of personalities on this forum, true. But for the life of me I cannot understand the "he has enough, let someone else have one" mentality. I am sure they just don't fall on his lap. We all know that doesn't happen with these things, they are not easy to find. So he obviously puts in the time and money to get what he wants. And why not? Because you don't have one and you want one? I don't get it.

I don't meant to call out anyone on this site. Just expressing an opinion. Perfectly fine if yours differs from mine.

Personally I enjoy Gordie's posts about finding yet another box. I do hope he keeps finding those beasts and keeps posting.



Member (SA)
Lasonic TRC-920 said:
HEY PATRON! Long time no see. I still got your 777z! I hope your doing well brother
Hey Chris , how are you buddy, I am still here man, that 777 is for life bro!


Member (SA)
I haven't been on in a while, been busy. But I noticed his threads all disappeared a while ago, I knew because of the thread where a few of us teased him. I sent a message March 21st apologizing... still unread.

I feel bad about it. It was nice seeing the boxes he saves.

Jealous a little, sure, but glad he is able to find them. AND he deserves them, he seems to search harder, more often, and drive further than most of us.

I hope he comes back.


Member (SA)
milosancho said:
Lots of personalities on this forum, true. But for the life of me I cannot understand the "he has enough, let someone else have one" mentality. I am sure they just don't fall on his lap. We all know that doesn't happen with these things, they are not easy to find. So he obviously puts in the time and money to get what he wants. And why not? Because you don't have one and you want one? I don't get it.

I don't meant to call out anyone on this site. Just expressing an opinion. Perfectly fine if yours differs from mine.

Personally I enjoy Gordie's posts about finding yet another box. I do hope he keeps finding those beasts and keeps posting.

My toughts exactly :drunk:


Member (SA)
I do have a nice c100 so I'm not saying it cos I "don't have one"
Nobody needs a thousand of each box it's just hoarding!
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