Frankly, I saw that thread and just stayed clear. I'm pretty sure some of it was just poking fun. However, there is no mistaking that there was probably some feeling there by some guys who have tried hard to land ONE with NO success and got offended or jealous of the costant I got another one posts. I would liken it to a bunch of guys standing in the desert, fighting over a few drops of water, and then suddenly seeing someone strut by with jugs of the stuff -- perception = "look what I got and you can't have any." Probably not the wisest display of water prosperity.
Frankly, I'm not the biggest fan of the C100. I'd much prefer the M90 or any number of other more refined boxes but that's just me. On the other hand, I do have a fairly large collection of some models that is larger than one person probably should collect, and mindful of paragraph #1 above, I have never publicly posted the lot. Nothing good ever comes out of it, as I've watched too many such jealousy threads turn ugly.